Struggling with temperature, aqara radiators


First time here and in need of some help.
I’m struggling to:

  1. get my aqara radiator thermostats running properly (one of them is acting up and constantly heating, even though it’s set to 20 degrees and it’s like 24 degrees… see image below)
  2. set up a schedule for comfort temperatures for when we’re home
  3. set up triggers that, when opening a window/door it should turn off the heating.
    They are all reporting different temperatures… not sure what I can do…

I’ve got home assistant OS running on a tiny pc with a zigbee dongle. I’ve got aqara window/door sensors, and aqara radiator thermostats as well as a separate temperature reader thingy.

I used to have it set up with the aqara app to manage the scheduled temperatures which was fairly simple, and then had made a script in google home to turn on heating when a window was closed. (this would, however, turn on the even if other windows were open - so it’s not like this was working properly).

However, I find that Home Assistant is much more complex (both good and bad) and have been trying some different options and can’t get it to work…


Any help is welcome!

Best regards,