Stuck in Kiosk mode

I was trying to test out kiosk mode in CCH and forgot to set exclusions for certain users. Now every time I log in to goes straight to kiosk mode. I uninstalled and reinstalled the CCH component through the HA android app but it still reverts to kiosk mode.

Try this.
You can disable CCH by adding “?disable_cch” to the end of your URL.

I tried that and it doesn’t seem to work. http://ip:8123?disable_cch

That’s what I tried and no luck


That did the trick! Thanks

I have made the same error with kiosk mode
Using actually the last version 107 when I try to enter Home assistant with this command
“” I get, after login and password 1 sec the normal screen and then it goes back to the kiosk mode
Is there another way to recovery from this situation ?
Thanks in advance for your attentio nand replay

I know this question was asked a long time ago, but I made the same mistake and figured out how to fix it.
Login with this url and you will go directly to edit screen

Then you can edit the dashboard and fix it!

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Does this only work when logged in locally???

First post :slight_smile:

Big thx to this wonderful community :world_map: Helped me going through my first Home Assistant experience ever, just like a litte boy learning walking, learning things :rocket: :star:

I managed to exit kiosk mode here with :


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