Stuck on connecting after Letsencrypt was added

Hi. Installed Hassio last night and followed Bens tutorial on getting started( has been going great, until I was to access Home Assistant from outside my local network.
DuckDNS was already set up since I had a previous version of HA running, so that hasn’t changed. Router has two port forwarding-rules now, 80 -> 80 and 443 -> 443.

Letsencrypts certificate seems to work according to the log.

When I browse to my adress like so, I get the HA loginscreen, but when try to login it says “Connecting” for a minute or two, then it returns to the loginpage saying “Unable to connect”. Anyone else had this problem?

I also tried portforwarding 443 -> 8123 but to no avail.

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I seem to be having the exact same hangup. I’m using a Pi ZeroW, FWIW. I followed the same steps, installed DuckDNS, Samba, LetsEncrypt. Forwarded ports 80 and 443. put in the necessary settings for LetsEncrypt and started it. Added the entries to config. Restarted. Can’t access the front end.

Hey Kevin_Patrick!

I finally got it resolved earlier tonight by removing the forward-rule of 80 -> 80 and replacing 443 -> 443 with 443 -> 8123.
I also changed my http: part in the configuration to:

ssl_certificate: /ssl/fullchain.pem
ssl_key: /ssl/privkey.pem
api_password: mysecretpassword.

and then suddenly it worked :slight_smile: I’d double-check that duckdns has the right ip also btw, I think mine changed during the setup or something, adding further pain while trying to solve it :slight_smile:

Anyhow, good luck, hope you get it working.

Thanks Tony!
I followed your example once and it didn’t work. Started over and tried again. I’m not sure what did the trick but it finally worked. I suspect I may have been impatient with how slow it was taking to load fully. Cheers!

Glad to hear it worked out for you! :slight_smile: Happy automation!