I have the rf bridge with tasmota and portisch. So I receive the long RFRAW codes and can roll 4 times.
How on earth do I create a mqtt sensor in HA because there is no wildcard?
Obviously this does not work as its looking for the exact string. RFRAW will have rolling numbers/characters.
In nodered I just add a switch with ‘contains’ and picks out the long sequence of numbers.
Been stuck on this for months
- platform: mqtt
state_topic: "tele/RF_Bridge/RESULT"
name: 'Remote 1 Button A'
value_template: >-
{% if value_json.RfReceived.Data == '28190908181908190818190819090819090908190819090909' %}
{% elif value_json.RfReceived.Data == '481A0908181A081A08181B081B0B081B0B0A081B081A0A0A0A' %}
{% elif value_json.RfReceived.Data == '381909081819081908181A081A0A081A0A0A081A081A0A0A0A' %}
{% endif %}