Studer-Innotec custom integration

I’ve got a first version of a proper HA integration for Studer-Innotec (via local LAN network connection using Xcom protocol) available for testing.
This no longer depends on the Studer web portal, which seems to be a bit unreliable and often results in ‘unknown’ sensor values.

It supports many Studer PV components, including:

  • Xtender XTH, XTS and XTM,
  • VarioTrack and VarioString
  • BSP and BMS
  • RCC

This integration would suit those Home Assistant users that do not like to be forced to configure their system via yaml files and scripts, but like to use a configuration wizard instead.

Use the configuration steps to choose which Studer infos should be shown as individual sensors (read-only). Likewise, choose which Studer params shoudld be shown as a writable entity (number, switch, select).

Am awaiting for it to be added to the HACS integrations. Meanwhile you can add it manually via the steps descrived in “”