Hi Home Assistant folks,
I have a template sensor that I created in configuration.yaml - it is for a “hvac_action” attribute of a climate entity (for thermostat). It tracks if the thermostat is heating, cooling, or none.
With that sensor displayed in my lovelace, I see the text “cooling”, “heating”, or “none” depending on what the furnace is doing. Now I want to save the state of the furnace into the InfluxDB addon. I’m already grabbing the temperature attribute of that thermostat entity and it’s correctly save in Influx and charted in Grafana. But I don’t see any values in InfluxDB for the template sensor representing furnance state. I suspect that it might be because furnace state is not a number like temperature? Maybe it’s a text? I’m not sure how HA is translating the underlying value for climaite.hvac_action.
Under the influxdb platform in configuration.yaml, I simply added - sensor.hvac_pv_status (the template sensor name) in the list to include. Thinking that would take care of things. Does this need some kind of override? How do you send non-numeral data to influx in configuration.yaml