Stumped Trying to Add A Thermostat Card

I only discovered Home Assistant a couple of days ago, so I only have a very simple config running on a RPi3, with a few Tasmoto ESP8266’s.
I just can’t seem to find a working setup of Climate and the Thermostat card, all I get is Expected a value of type undefined for climate but received [{"platform":"generic_thermostat","name":"Thermostat","heater":"switch.relay","target_sensor":"sensor.room_sensor_am2301_temperature"}].

Configuration for the card and Climate

  - entities:
      - entity: switch.relay
      - entity: switch.relay_2
    title: Heating
    type: entities
  - entity: weather.home
    type: weather-forecast
  - type: thermostat
    entity: climate.Thermostat
  - platform: generic_thermostat
    name: Thermostat
    heater: switch.relay
    target_sensor: sensor.room_sensor_am2301_temperature
type: vertical-stack

Any ideas?


The whole block starting with climate: needs to be in configuration.yaml

Could you give me an example please?


  - platform: generic_thermostat
    name: Thermostat
    heater: switch.relay
    target_sensor: sensor.room_sensor_am2301_temperature

does not go in the Lovelace card. It goes in the file configuration.yaml

Thanks, I’ve now got a basic Thermostat card, now to make it more complex :slight_smile: