I could connect a Normally Open relay to momentarily close a contact from the signal wire to ground, but as I have two signals to ground, this solution is rather bulky. I’m wondering, if I connect the signal wire to a GPIO pin, can I programmatically ground that pin momentarily?
Could I write some C++ code for a Lambda in an ESPHome service? Would it just be pinMode(pinId, INPUT_PULLDOWN);
to switch that pin to GROUND for a few seconds, then pinMode(pinId, INPUT);
Well, it appears on the ESP8266, the only GPIO pin with any kind of pulldown capability is GPIO16. (On the D1 Mini, this is pin D0
). Since I have two signals to ground, looks like I should use an ESP32 instead. Or, purchase a ready-made ESP8266 with two mechanical relays and avoid the lambda
and C++ coding.
Hey, I told you it was a stupid question, right from the very start.