Style is defined as parameter in card - how can I add positionning?

in picture elements, using the tempometer gauge card

My problem is that the card has a parameter for style already which can be set to

  • Set this to thermometer , humidity or custom to change icons."

But I need to use this tag for positionning. Is there anyway to do this, or I might be missing something? Thanks

  - type: custom:tempometer-gauge-card
    entity: sensor.dsmr_reading_electricity_currently_delivered
    min: 0
    max: 2500
    decimals: 0
      green: 400
      yellow: 700
      red: 1000
    title: Stroomverbruik
    style: custom
##  but I need to add this here - everything I try doesn't work:
##       top: 32%
##       left: 40%

Maybe you have something to use like card-mod.