Some weeks into the existence of Subviews, I am still not comfortable with them. Using Yaml mode, I have to create a ‘fake’ dashboard to collect the subviews (which essentially are Views) to collect them in a ‘repository’ and link to them from all other dashboards, like:
# need this 'fake' view to be able to list them in a 'repository of subviews, and link to
# them from other subviews in YAML mode
mode: yaml
filename: dashboard/dashboards/ui-sub-views.yaml
title: Sub views
icon: mdi:subtitles
require_admin: true
show_in_sidebar: false
and then the actual view:
views: #!include_dir_merge_list ui-sub-views
- !include ui-sub-views/subview_energieprijzen.yaml
- !include ui-sub-views/subview_hue_scenes.yaml
- !include ui-sub-views/subview_all_lights.yaml
(note the include_dir_merge_list doesnt work, like it does on regular views, so we have to sell them out verbosely, which is a pain really…
Within that folder I save them like:
then, calling the subview in a custom button-card ‘Chip’:
- type: horizontal-stack
- type: custom:button-card
template: chip
tooltip: Hue scenes
action: navigate
navigation_path: /ui-sub-views/hue_scenes
label: 🚥
- type: custom:button-card
template: chip
tooltip: All lights
action: navigate
navigation_path: /ui-sub-views/all_lights
label: 💡
Shows like:
Wondering what you all do to show the Subview links, do you use a dedicated button, or maybe some other placeholder for the navigation.
Thanks for any comment or example, Id be glad to consume those