Suddenly HA Won't Boot

I have a problem…earlier, I was simply looking through my Configuration.yaml file and I changed only one thing:

  # metric for Metric, imperial for Imperial  
  unit_system: metric <--changed to imperial  

Also, I had updated to the latest version of Hassio from the GUI it told me to do so…after it had updated, I rebooted. Now, HA wont boot. I can get into CLI but not the GUI anymore. I can’t figure out what is the problem. I checked logs and it mentions something about the letter “T”, but I cant see where I would have made that change somewhere…

Here are the logs:

Here is my config.yaml:

Pretty simple config…I cant see why it’s failing.

Any ideas?

believe its a breaking change on the yaml format used,

i had similar - upgraded to the latest version - i made a minor changein config.yaml - would not reboot to the gui, placed my backup config.yaml file back in the config folder, then booted to the gui no problem

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Yes, I had to restore to my backup and it works. I don’t think I will be upgrading any time soon until they can fix this bug. Thank you.

im now on Home Assistant v 0.84.6, have amended my yaml, dont seem to have any issues