Suddenly wrong values in energy dashboard

Hi everyone,

since yesterday I’m facing the problem, that wrong values are being reported to the energy dashboard.

This is an image from today:

If you look e.g. at the value “Solar” with 27,2kwh. In reality it is 7,5kwh. Sadly I cant attach more screenshots. If I look at the entity, it’s exactly like in my solar system. So the entity is correct, energy dashboard is wrong…

It’s strange, I didn’t do any changes for weeks there, since yesterday it suddenly went crazy. Not only this value, but also the battery charge/discharge as well as the “home/Zuhause” section… way to much kwh there.

Anybody any idea?

Thanks in advance! :slight_smile:

After checking the github project, it’s related to the manufactorer AlphaESS: Wrong values in the energy dashboard from AlphaESS system · Issue #132 · CharlesGillanders/homeassistant-alphaESS · GitHub

Thanks anyway!