i recently am starting to build up a workshop and am hoping to get a standing desk with an under desk treadmill/ walking pad device and was wondering if there are any good devices to get that i can connect to home assistant?
I’m hoping not to go over £200 (im in the uk if that helps narrow down options) and I’m not planning to do much with it at first but knowing i can connect it to home assistant to either control the device and/or track exercise data would be great
i dont mind if it connects directly to the machine or through an app as long as it get the data of a session/ maybe lets me control the speed and such would be great
I’m not sure if there are any that support this out of the box.
That said looking up what options there are you could try control it via programing the control buttons into a broadlink if the codes can be read and used that way and some seem to be bluetooth so getting data that way would be something to see if its possible.
I have a CardioTech x9AC Club Treadmill (its not an underdesk model, but it has a safety cord which is a big plus) my mum rented when I moved into my current place that is now fully paid off so I am tempted to see if there is a way to esp it if someone has done it to link it to HA.
In the mean time I would be using a smart plug to track its power usage whilst I use an NFC sticker to track my usage since I can put my phone in the pocket and track my steps that way until I save up for a smart watch I can link to HA.