Sun entity not set properly

Good day, sorry for the potential newbie question.
My sun entity does set above and below horizon at the correct times. Seems to be shifted by about 5 hours.
I reviewed my location in HA General Configuration tab and the location, the timezone (America/Toronto) and elevation is properly set.
I looked at the customization tab of the entity and noticed the following information:

Can anyone help here?

The datetime you are seeing there is based on the UTC timezone (not EDT which is North American Eastern Daylight Time). Home Assistant stores all datetime values in UTC. It knows how to convert UTC to one’s local timezone (based on what you set in Configuration > General Configuration > Timezone).

Copy-paste this into the Template Editor and it will show you the local time of the next sunset:

{{ as_timestamp(state_attr('sun.sun', 'next_setting')) | timestamp_local }}

Ok thanks. I add the template and the hours seems to be indicated properly. I checked again this morning and the entity state is set a below horizon when the sun is clearly up (about 2 hours now). Is there a setting to update the entity at a high rate? Looks like a refresh problem.

Your home’s location, indicated by latitude and longitude, is used to compute the sun’s angle (above/below the horizon). Go to Configuration > General Configuration and ensure the map shows a marker where your home is located (move the marker if necessary).

I did that. No change, sun still shows below horizon.

You may need to restart Home Assistant to make the change take effect.

FWIW, this is how the sun.sun entity currently appears in Developer Tools > States on my system: