Sun.sun refresh rate

How often is the sun.sun refreshed?

I read somewhere that the refresh rate is reduced using the day. But I need the elevation/azimuth during the day and not just at sunset.

Can I change that to every minute?

You won’t need to worry too much. Quiet the chatty sun.sun by Swamp-Ig · Pull Request #23832 · home-assistant/core · GitHub

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Seems reasonable. An option would be nice though.

This only accounts for elevation not azimuth. Although it might be similar.

Azimuth doesn’t matter as far as deciding the refresh rate.
That the sun is above horizon at West or East, it doesn’t change its course speed.

No, but I actually use the azimuth to determine the direction of the sun.

Yeah, so during the day, it will update every 4min, so every 1° of azimuth