I have been using a an automation using a light sensor to trigger some mqtt lights in the yard. Over time I have noticed that my lights sensor is not reliable, and to make this short. I would like to use the sun.sun entity as a trigger, but I have not been successful. below is my automation. any help would be much appreciated.
Can you use that blue bar on top of the page to format your code pls?
Can you also briefly explain what each automation is for and what you expect to see out of it?
Sorry but I am highlighting text and using the code block button but nothing.
The Sunset automation is to trigger the yard lights group to turn on when the sun.sun sensor is at sunset. The Sunrise automation is to turn the lights off when the sensor show sunrise.
Thanks, Without the code correctly formatted I can’t really help as I can’t see if there are indentation issues which yaml is really strict on.
If you’re working on a real keyboard (not mobile device) you can enclose your code with 3 backticks like this:
I think this can never work. The automation will only be triggered once (When the sun has set) and if the condition is evaluated false then, nothing happenes even if the condition comes true later on.
I am not married to the position. I could live with sunset, or if it could detect above and below horizon.
I have used the automation without the condition, and manually triggered without any success.
Ok, not it is getting difficult as it might be a formating error.
Can you please repost your config but add ``` in the line before and after? (Thats 3 backticks)