I am after the method to change parameters on the SH10RT to govern export management, via HA.
I have seen posts here from @mvandersteen, and from what I can read - it looks like you have cracked it, or have a line on it.
FYI - I have the SH10RT, with 38kw of storage, have just gone wholesale on the grid provider, so having tight, automated control on when we should and should not export is now a big deal. The modbus/TCP integration is on sing, I can see all of the data from the inverter, but I have not sussed out how to change it. Specifically the parameters that govern the export management.
Appreciate people’s patience with this specific query, and will be grateful for any assistance.
Still struggling to find out the IP address of my inverter. Tried different IP scanners but don’t seem to find the correct one.
I have found the IP address of the WiFi dongle but not the LAN.
Both are connected.
There is no difference in the connected clients in the router when I unplug the cable.
Does anyone now if I somehow can login to the inverter to see the IP-address?
I asked the company that installed the inverter and the battery if they could provide me with the admin login credentials.
I said I needed them for an integration.
They told me I had to sign a non-disclosure agreement with Sungrow to get an access key. But is that correct? Isn’t that for developers using the API, as for the creator of this integration, not me as end user of the integration right?
I mean, when you get the password you can change all the important settings, so it is reasonable, that they want to be safe.
I’m not sure if you can see the ip by connecting to the inverter hotspot, but you can try.
But if you unplug the inverter, be sure to wait some time, before looking for changed devices. The name could be Espressif. Also if you want to go really far the MAC address issuer (the first 6 letters) is either Espressif or Sungrow Power Supply (for modbus).
Another thing to look for is if they are using a router of their own to be able to remote login. That way you would never be able to see the IP in your router.
and specific error noted in this post:
Pymodbus: SungrowSHx: Error: device: 1 address: 4999 → Modbus Error: [Connection] Not connected[AsyncModbusTcpClient]
I’m getting the same error as this. My installation was running fine for months maybe over a year without issue and then suddenly on 28th August 4:05pm it stops working. As far as I am aware no updates were undertaken at that time or even in the couple of months before that.
I’ve updated supervisor and core and this has not helped. I’ve relooked at the Github code and made a few changes to bring what I have inline with that, but short of re-copying the whole lot into my installation I’m not sure what has gone wrong.
I don’t see any record on my inverter of an update, but I guess it is possible.
did anyone happen to see similar and find a route to a fix?
OK I got it going.
I worked my way though the FAQ for the integration one by one.
I don’t know what has changed, but I now have to use a modbus proxy.
After a full reboot it was working again. Yay!
This weekend I finally got time to examine my battery installation checking where all the network cables were going and why my inverter does not show up in my router.
I opened up the box where the CM10 (Checkwatt gateway) was installed and I now think I know why I can’t see the inverter on my network.
The battery has a network cable that is connected directly to my network (through a switch).
The CM10 (a gateway that is controlled by Checkwatt) is also connected to my network.
Checkwatt is a company that offers a service where you lend out your battery for adjustments in the electric network (charge/dischange to balance the network) and you get paid for it.
I can see both the battery and the CM10 in my router.
But the inverter is not directly connected to my switch. It is connected via the LAN output directly into the CM10, that is why I don’t see it in my router!?
The first couple of weeks after I got everything installed, it was running on Self Consumption, not using the CM10. That is when I tried to connect to the inverter.
Now it has been taken over by Checkwatt and they control everything.
My plan is to use Self Consumption during the summer when my solar panels can charge the battery and use Checkwatt in the winters.
But I guess I need to unplug the LAN cable from the CM10 and plug it into my switch to be able to see it in my router?
Anyone understand what I’m talking about and have some input?
has anyone created a working sensor that shows the monthly and annual grid consumption as well as the monthly and annual electricity consumption? I tried to extend the sensor.daily_consumed_energy via utility_meter to the desired cycle but it shows completely wrong values.
Exactly the same with sensor.daily_imported_energy.
I am sure delta values should be set to false if your source sensor is the sum of this day/month etc and the graph is going up normally.
The reset cycle should be working if you have problems post an update.
I have noticed that for three days the automation
“sungrow inverter enable/ stop input selector update”
causes a shutdown
The log shows “changed to shutdown triggered by automation sungrow inverter enable/ stop input selector update triggered by state of Sungrow inverter state”
There was a firmware update to SAPPHIRE-H_03011.95.03 three days ago. Something must have changed (modbus-register…?)
Can I theoretically deactivate all the automations provided by the integration?
I have been using the mkaiser Modbus HA integration well over a year without problems. Today I tried some now register reads on my internal LAN connected
SH10RT-V112, when suggenly HA became very slow and the integration no longer worked. At the end I decided to do a full HA restore. Afterwards all HA components worked well again BUT this integration (even other Modbus integrations worked):
Could it be that the inverter is blocking connections because of some possibly wrong register read attempts? Any help how to be able to connect again to my inverter would be highly appreciated.
You can check the register by setting the inverter state in the app and comparing that to the value you get. Idk if they updated the register adresses but I think this is unlikely.
But to be safe, I disabled automatic updates for now.
Great integration!
Switched from Modbus via Wife-Net to this one.
Maybe someone have already created some template sensors, that could dynamically provide values for these scenarios:
For those interested, I am sharing what I managed to come up with, to better integrate Sungrow SH10RT inverter with HA. Particularly, with Tesla Style Solar Power Card:
- platform: template
icon_template: "mdi:home"
friendly_name: Generation to House Power
value_template: >-
{% if is_state('binary_sensor.pv_generating','on') %}
{# 1) Decide how much battery is truly charging from solar #}
{# If battery_charging is on and grid is NOT importing, we assume battery_charging is from solar #}
{% set bc_from_solar = 0 %}
{% if is_state('binary_sensor.battery_charging','on') and not is_state('binary_sensor.importing_power','on') %}
{% set bc_from_solar = states('sensor.battery_charging_power')|float %}
{% endif %}
{# 2) Subtract battery charging (from solar) and export from total PV #}
{# This leftover is “solar available for the house” #}
{% set ex = states('sensor.export_power')|float if is_state('binary_sensor.exporting_power','on') else 0 %}
{% set solar_for_house = states('sensor.total_dc_power')|float - bc_from_solar - ex %}
{% if solar_for_house < 0 %}
{% set solar_for_house = 0 %}
{% endif %}
{# 3) Compare with the actual house load #}
{# House load is simply sensor.load_power #}
{% set load = states('sensor.load_power')|float %}
{% if load < 0 %}
{% set load = 0 %}
{% endif %}
{# 4) The portion of solar that truly goes to the house is min(solar_for_house, load) #}
{% set flow = [solar_for_house, load]|min %}
{{ flow if flow > 0 else 0 }}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
device_class: power
unit_of_measurement: W
icon_template: "mdi:transmission-tower"
friendly_name: Generation to Grid Power
value_template: >-
{% if is_state('binary_sensor.pv_generating', 'on') %}
{# PV power exported to the grid after house and battery needs #}
{{ [states('sensor.export_power')|float - states('sensor.battery_discharging_power')|float, 0] | max }}
{% else %}
{# No PV generation, no flow from PV to grid #}
{% endif %}
device_class: power
unit_of_measurement: W
icon_template: "mdi:battery-charging"
friendly_name: Generation to Battery Power
value_template: >-
{% if is_state('binary_sensor.pv_generating', 'on') %}
{# Only charge the battery if it's not discharging #}
{% if is_state('binary_sensor.battery_charging', 'on') and not is_state('binary_sensor.battery_discharging', 'on') %}
{# Solar power charging the battery when it's in charging mode and not discharging #}
{% set solar_power_for_battery = states('sensor.total_dc_power')|float %}
{% if solar_power_for_battery > 0 %}
{{ solar_power_for_battery }}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{# No solar power going to the battery when discharging or no charging state #}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{# No solar generation, no power going to the battery #}
{% endif %}
device_class: power
unit_of_measurement: W
icon_template: "mdi:battery-charging-50"
friendly_name: Grid to Battery Power
value_template: >-
{% if is_state('binary_sensor.battery_charging', 'on') and is_state('binary_sensor.importing_power', 'on') %}
{# Calculate the grid power that is charging the battery #}
{# When the battery is being charged from the grid, subtract solar contribution from the battery charging power #}
{% set grid_power_for_battery = states('sensor.battery_charging_power')|float - states('sensor.total_dc_power')|float %}
{% if grid_power_for_battery > 0 %}
{{ grid_power_for_battery }}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{# No grid power charging the battery or battery is not charging #}
{% endif %}
device_class: power
unit_of_measurement: W
icon_template: "mdi:home-import-outline"
friendly_name: Grid to House Power
value_template: >-
{% if is_state('binary_sensor.importing_power','on') %}
{% set imp = states('sensor.import_power')|float %}
{# If battery is discharging AND there's grid import, allocate full import to house #}
{% if is_state('binary_sensor.battery_discharging','on') %}
{{ imp }}
{% else %}
{# Otherwise, fallback to normal logic: min of (house need, import power) #}
{% set load = states('sensor.load_power')|float %}
{% set solar = states('sensor.generation_to_house_power')|float %}
{% set batt = states('sensor.battery_to_house_power')|float %}
{% set house_need = load - solar - batt %}
{% if house_need < 0 %}
{% set house_need = 0 %}
{% endif %}
{% set flow = [house_need, imp]|min %}
{{ flow if flow > 0 else 0 }}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
device_class: power
unit_of_measurement: W
icon_template: "mdi:battery-high"
friendly_name: Battery to Grid Power
value_template: >-
{% if is_state('binary_sensor.battery_discharging', 'on')
and is_state('binary_sensor.exporting_power', 'on') %}
{% set discharge = states('sensor.battery_discharging_power')|float %}
{% set export = states('sensor.export_power')|float %}
{{ [discharge, export] | min }}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
device_class: power
unit_of_measurement: W
icon_template: "mdi:battery-heart"
friendly_name: Battery to House Power
value_template: >-
{% if is_state('binary_sensor.battery_discharging', 'on') %}
{% set discharge = states('sensor.battery_discharging_power')|float %}
{% set battery_to_grid = states('sensor.battery_to_grid_power')|float %}
{% set result = discharge - battery_to_grid %}
{{ [0, result] | max }}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
device_class: power
unit_of_measurement: W