
Hi All,
I discovered the other day that I have a group named “Supergroup” in my HA.
I cannot recall ever having made a group with that name.
If I open the group, it has no members.
Can I safely delete this group,or is this some kind of “system” defined thing that should be there?

You can safely delet this group. HA doesn’tcreate any group at all by itself.

And how do I delete it? The delete button is grayed out!

search all your files for “supergroup”, it has to be defined somewhere.

Ok, but Im still concerned about what this is. Somehow it was created - and I assume for some purpose. If I just delete devices and items not created by me, I guess it won’t be long before my HA instance begin to fail.

Nothing auto creates groups. This was added by you, a custom integration, or an automation you made.

There is no automatically created group. Nothing will fail if you delete it.

I found this in a hidden file named core.entity_registry:

                "entity_id": "light.supergroup",
                "config_entry_id": "136740968b4b43d080037dbcf0de13b5",
                "device_id": null,
                "area_id": null,
                "unique_id": "group-7e31215204400147-131080",
                "platform": "tradfri",
                "name": null,
                "icon": null,
                "disabled_by": null,
                "capabilities": {},
                "supported_features": 33,
                "device_class": null,
                "unit_of_measurement": null,
                "original_name": "SuperGroup",
                "original_icon": null

So it looks as if this group is in some way related to part(s) of my many IKEA devices ?
How can you be so sure it is safe to delete?

That’s not a group that’s a light…

group.supergroup is a group
light.supergroup is a light

That’s a light group not a group, that’s not the same.

Edit: Too slow

Best choice of avatar, ever.

Ok, so a light group is not a group, but a light? (Now I’m truly confused) :nauseated_face:
Is your advice still: Delete!

It’s not a light group. It’s a light that came from the tradfri integration. That’s where you should be looking.

You’re only confused because of the label. Ignore the label. Look at the information at hand. The entity_id is just a identifier. It’s comprised of a domain and an object_id. In your case, the domain is ‘light’, and the object_id is ‘supergroup’. The object_id is just a name, a way to distinguish the entity, nothing more. You’re reading into the name too much and it’s causing the confusion.

Look at the data you posted.

Inside that hunk, it says what platform it came from:

That should give you enough information to dig and find out where/why its in your installation.

Indeed - it is listed as an entity under the IKEA integration. But with nothing related.

Changing the brightness of it or switching on/off doesn’t affect any “real” lights in my house.

Then delete it!

Ok, but since the delete button is greyed out (which to me means: Don’t even think about it!), I have to delete the section from the core.entity_registry - is that safe?

That’s safe, but you should be able to disable the entity through the integration which will essentially delete it.

Ok, but just out of curiosity; why is it that some entities can be deleted in UI and others can’t? Who or what control this?

It depends. If it comes from yaml, you have to delete it from yaml. If it comes from the ui integration, you can’t delete it, you disable it. This is because it will always be found on start up and you’d have to delete it every reboot. So instead, you disable it. When it’s found the next startup, HA will not add the entity to your states.

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Well, I’ll have to experiment a bit to see if I can figure out its origin… Thanks a lot for all your help and support :blush:

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