Supervised-installer script broken by the deprecated message

I am trying to replicate my supervised-installer setup on an arm64 box.

But when I get to the:


curl -sL | bash -s – -m qemuarm-64


I get an error about “then” not expected on line 17 I think it was. This is the block of code that requires me to acknowledge they deprecated it.

It just needs a quick edit to get rid of the offending nag message about deprecation which I did with nano locally. But once it is a local script how do I run it? I just used wget to copy the file to the current directory as Got to be honest I haven’t got a clue most of the time with Linux so just trying everything.

Your situation is kindof the reason for the deperecation :slight_smile:

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I think you have your logic slightly askew. It was the deprecation message that screwed the script. I forked it, removed the deprecation message and now back in business. At least I learned about GitHub along the way.
I do appreciate your response though!

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