Supervisor 249 update makes my system unsupported

Bit this will install the Supervisor only?

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install network-manager

and then correct things as show above:

/etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf :




/etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/default :



/etc/network/interfaces :

source /etc/network/interfaces.d/*

auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

Did this fixed the issue unsupported installation?
Have same problem. I wanna enable network manager on wlan but its disabled in ncmi or something like that :frowning:

I Did this and it screwed my system up

I cant get to my HomeAssistant supervised and any of my dockers (Portainer , Node red).

Sorted it by doing this…

Yep same here.
I just restored my configured img to my USB SSD Disk, so everything is up and running again. Gonna check it out later.
Maybe someone else fixed the problem and is willing to share a howto? :smiley:

Ok i fixed my problem, this is how (for if anyone has same problem)
My problem whas (in new supervisor >= 249) i had no managed network interface(s)… but since 249 you need at least one.

Fix what worked for me:

sudo nano /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf

And paste this:




Then (in my case had to connect it temporary using utp cable instead of using wifi):

sudo systemctl disable dhcpcd
sudo systemctl stop dhcpcd
sudo reboot
nmcli dev show wlan0
nmcli device wifi list
sudo nmcli device wifi con "YOUR SSID" password "PASSWORD"

But sill have a question… whats (the benefit of using) NetworkManager?

Im running HA in a docker on Debain 10 64B(beta). Running great for months now.
I’m little scare to to these steps… Don’t want screw my system and it become unreachable.

My system is running on WiFi. Here my config now of NetworkManager:





doest not exist


# interfaces(5) file used by ifup(8) and ifdown(8)

# Please note that this file is written to be used with dhcpcd
# For static IP, consult /etc/dhcpcd.conf and 'man dhcpcd.conf'

# Include files from /etc/network/interfaces.d:
source-directory /etc/network/interfaces.d


is empty

Then I read this: When it is installed, you need to make sure it manages at least one interface see the documentation for the network manager.

Checked the link but don’t understand how to do it for WiFi.

I never do anything with NetworkManager so its untouched then I read this: If you haven’t done anything manually with the network on the host, you should just re-run the convenience installation script.

So I can do the installer again but do I still need the at least one interface part be done?

Can someone assist me with this?

I’m also running Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster) x64 on my RPI 4.
For me the only thing was to fix this i had to:

sudo systemctl disable dhcpcd
sudo systemctl stop dhcpcd

And then i lost my wifi connection… so in order to configure NetworkManager i had to temporary connect it using utp cable.

After that i could see my wifi networks:

nmcli device wifi list

And connect to the wifi using:

sudo nmcli device wifi con "YOUR SSID" password "PASSWORD"

Then rebooted my pi and disconnected utp cable…
And everything came up and running again :slight_smile:

thanks. I will try that on a moment I have the whole day… :slight_smile:

Its not possible to do it this way:

sudo nmcli device wifi con “SSID" password “PASSWORD"

sudo systemctl disable dhcpcd 

sudo systemctl stop dhcpcd

Then nmcli have already the wifi settings and when you disable dhcpcd the wifi will connected again correct?

Haha lol
That’s a good one… Let me know if that works please :smile:

Yeah i had yesterday a home assistent Day :stuck_out_tongue:

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I’ll let you know…

Or if someone tell us this will work or not :smiley:

There’s another related thread here: Supervisor 249: Resolution center, Stability & Private container registries

Following, as I just received this same ‘warning message’.

Personally trying to ascertain if it’s in the “If it ain’t broke don’t fix it” boat, or if it’s something I need to mess with…

What I don’t understand is why Network Manager is labelled as a required service? Being able to change the IP address from HA is a toy and definitely not required. I would never want to change the IP of my host from HA. So why is the supervisor bothering me with this stuff?


It is not a required service and your system is working normally, it just means the system is unsupported.

Why is it unsupported? Because the current supervisor is able to manage the network card which is really useful in default installation of Home Assistant OS and will use that acess to reference IP address for add-ons developers.

In short, it’s simple and not required, unless some new add-on pops up and use this new and supported way to get the IP for your HA installation.

More details here:

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Does not work. Network-Manager must see the ssid and it do not show in NM until dhcpcd is stopped and rebooted the pi.

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Will it work to make a simple bash script with all the commands… So when disconnect from Pi and after the nmcli command wifi will up again.

I don’t want to move my Rpi from location to my router just to connect to a cable for a short moment…

Yeah i think it will…
Maybe something like this:


execute() {
	sudo systemctl disable dhcpcd
	sudo systemctl stop dhcpcd

declare -fxr execute
timeout 10 bash -ce 'execute'

sudo nmcli device wifi con "YOUR SSID" password "PASSWORD"

It didn’t work for me, so add UTP cable into it. Logged in and saw that my wifi device not worked.
Dit follow steps below and after I got my wifi back did a full reboot of system (not only HA) and wifi was running. In HA I see my system is supported again :slight_smile: thanks anyway for the assistance!

root@hassio: nmcli d

eth0         ethernet  connected    Wired connection 1
wlan0        wifi      unavailable  --
docker0      bridge    unmanaged    --
hassio       bridge    unmanaged    --
veth12dccf7  ethernet  unmanaged    --
veth14516b6  ethernet  unmanaged    --
veth3a849b5  ethernet  unmanaged    --
veth41ec173  ethernet  unmanaged    --
veth619f409  ethernet  unmanaged    --
veth6a99bfc  ethernet  unmanaged    --
veth72e3982  ethernet  unmanaged    --
veth7ba083d  ethernet  unmanaged    --
vethe959221  ethernet  unmanaged    --
vethf60ef52  ethernet  unmanaged    --
vethfe8034c  ethernet  unmanaged    --
lo           loopback  unmanaged    --

root@hassio: nmcli r wifi on
root@hassio: nmcli d wifi list

root@hassio: sudo wpa_cli -i wlan0

wpa_cli v2.8-devel
Copyright (c) 2004-2019, Jouni Malinen <[email protected]> and contributors

This software may be distributed under the terms of the BSD license.
See README for more details.

Interactive mode

root@hassio: nmcli dev show wlan0

GENERAL.DEVICE:                         wlan0
GENERAL.TYPE:                           wifi
GENERAL.HWADDR:                         MY_MAC_ADDRESS
GENERAL.MTU:                            1500
GENERAL.STATE:                          30 (disconnected)
GENERAL.CONNECTION:                     --
GENERAL.CON-PATH:                       --
root@hassio: nmcli dev wifi list

IN-USE  SSID                    MODE   CHAN  RATE        SIGNAL  BARS  SECURITY
        MY_SSID     Infra  12    540 Mbit/s  65      ââ
                                                                   â_  WPA1 WPA2
        MY_SSID_1  Infra  40    540 Mbit/s  65      ââ
                                                                   â_  WPA1 WPA2
        MY_SSID_2  Infra  100   540 Mbit/s  62      ââ
                                                                  â_  WPA1 WPA2
root@hassio: sudo nmcli device wifi con "SSID" password "PASSWORD"

Device 'wlan0' successfully activated with '04016a83-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-30b6aec6f000'.
root@hassio:~# nmcli dev status
eth0         ethernet  connected  Wired connection 1
wlan0        wifi      connected  MY_SSID
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Nice work!!! :grinning::upside_down_face::+1::+1:

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Hi All ! I have simmilar problem, after the supervisor update (to version 2020.10.0) HA displays “You are running an unsupported installation”.

There is an error in the supervisor logs “NetworkManager is not correctly configured”.

The link refers to the documentation

I made changes as in the documentation, but I still get a message and an error. I use the addon DHCP server if it’s important. IP of HA set to static. Someone help?

docker_version 18.09.8
hassio true
installation_type Home Assistant Supervised
os_name Linux
os_version 3.10.102
python_version 3.8.6
supervisor 2020.10.0
HA version 0.117.1

I can open
I can’t open https://…

Probably problem is in Network manager. I am not specialist. Please could you give step by step instruction to fix.

I do not have info about IP about hostname, ip, OS in Host System section.

I tried:
curl -Lo

Thank you!