[supervisor.api.middleware.security] No API token provided for /core/api

Hi! I was looking at the Supervisor Logs, and it has these two lines:

2024-06-11 23:36:52.933 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.api.middleware.security] No API token provided for /core
2024-06-11 23:36:55.412 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.api.middleware.security] No API token provided for /core/api

Is something wrong with Supervisor or my HA install?
The observer says Supervisor is connected, supported, and healthy. I’m kinda new to supervisor stuff, so any help would be great/

I have the same error showing on mine every once and a while. When I type ha network info into the terminal Currently my system is showing host_internet: false

ha network info

host_internet : false

This does not allow me to install updates or add-ons without typing ha job options --ignore-conditions internet_host into the terminal

ha job options --ignore-conditions internet_host

This gives me a warning.

But at least I can install updates and add-ons

I am also getting DNS errors.

My etc/hosts file is the following I am unsure if this is correct?

This occured after an update, I have tried to restore from a back up and many other things, can’t seem to make

host_internet: true

Strange. /etc/hosts for me looks like this

and ha network info looks like this (except the ip addresses aren’t obfuscated)

and running ha network info shows host_network: true, although it also shows the method under ipv6: as auto instead of disabled. Maybe for you a solution could be backing up your important folders (config, media, addons, etc.), cloning them to another drive or copying them to a seperate computer using smb, and reinstalling haos

As for the problem in my original post, it doesn’t affect anything, just is a warning that i’m not totally sure if it’s ok or bad

Yes I am slowly coming to the point where I am going to have to do a fresh install on another machine and restore from back up. I run a Home Assistant Blue odroid N2+.

I have disabled ipv6 in an attempt to fix this issue. Is you DNS server a 192.xxx or 172.xxx?

It uses 192.xxx, why?

I put in some manual settings for DNS and IP for network info, switching back to auto and ha just holds onto whatever the manual settings are I put in.

interesting. i guess there’s no real reason for home assistant to switch the network info unless it’s not working for home assistant, in which case i’d imagine it would scan for a different dns and available ip, and probably reset the network adapter.

Mine does not seem to be resetting. I go from Manual Network Settings and then back to Automatic and it holds onto the manual settings I put in.