Supervisor stops running after a while?

Hi - I’m new to this forum and to Home Assistant, so please bear with me… I’ve installed HA on a brand new Pi3 Model B+ from an image on a brand new 32GB SD card. It starts up and runs OK for, say 30 mins to an hour, then the supervisor function just hangs and I can no longer access supervisor/logs/file editor/SSH etc. The lovelace overview UI continues to work however. Using the configuration checker gives the error message “configuration.yaml file not found”, but I don’t know if this is a symptom or a cause of the problem. I can’t SSH in to the Pi either, so can only crash it by power down to reset, after which HA will restart and run again for no more than about 30mins before the supervisor hangs again. Does anyone have any ideas what could be causing this? All the installation logs that I’ve seen during set up, don’t suggest that there are any errors in installation or configuration. Is there an equivalent of a safe mode start up that could be used to try to eliminate possible causes? Thanks for your advice!
If there’s a better topic to post this on, please do let me know

sounds like HA is going into suspend mode after 20 or so minutes…which is what happens if you install HA under debian using docker because there is a default suspend time which you have to eliminate. I don’t know how the HA image is built so I can’t offer a work around I know works…but you might try the following command using SSH (works for debian/ubuntu/… installs):

sudo systemctl mask
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Thanks Douglas - I’ll try that out and see if it helps.

@ghstudio Hi Douglas - the Home Assistant CLI doesn’t accept the systemctl command and I’m not sure if/how I can access the core o/s through SSH (Very little Linux experience). It does look like the system is suspending after time, I changed the power supply and reflashed the SD card, but it still happens. Maybe someone else here may have experienced the same thing and can offer a solution?

I have no permanent solution, but the same problem.

I can solve it for a short time, if i use “ha core restart” over CLI.


Douglas indeed provided the correct solution (as explained here). I included OpenSSH as part of the basic Debian 11 install, so I was able to run via terminal from another machine. Fixed me right up.