Would be possible for the Home Assistant’s Supervisor to monitor/check for an active connection to a local serial port/device before allowing users to connect to it from the config flow of a new integration?
I think a common scenario is users running Home Assistant OS on an SBC (like a Raspberry Pi) with a Zigbee USB dongle being used by DeConz or Zigbee2MQTT running on the same SBC wanting to try the ZHA integration.
The problem occurs there when the user does not stop and disabling DeConz / Zigbee2MQTT application before going into ZHA config flow and connecting to the same DeConz or Zigbee2MQTT.
Maybe could be solved by giving a clear error message stating that the serial port/device is already in active use by another application and suggesting a solution (like stopping and disabling other software).
I guess that something similar also applies to Z-Wave integrations and applications too?