Supervisor update

Is it just me or is it not stated any where from which version this applies?

How can I see which run command is used for the supervisor and how can I add the new envs to it?

For the naming it does say “over the coming weeks” so whenever a new Supervisor update gets released.

For the Supervised issue, in 4 months

Is it going to impact HA installations based on older versions of Home Assistant Operating System (5.x)?

Debian has absolutely nothing to do with HAOS (whatever version that might be)

Yes, according: architecture/ at master · home-assistant/architecture ( all OS < 6.x will show a unsupported message because of missing OS-Agent in coming months, but not this days :slight_smile:

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I don’t get it. These are already present ?

    docker run --name hassio_supervisor \
        --privileged \
        --security-opt apparmor=hassio-supervisor \
        --security-opt seccomp=unconfined \
        -v /run/docker.sock:/run/docker.sock:rw \
        -v /run/dbus:/run/dbus:ro \
        -v /run/udev:/run/udev:ro \
        -v /etc/machine-id:/etc/machine-id:ro \
        -v "${HASSIO_DATA}":/data:rw \
        -e SUPERVISOR_NAME=hassio_supervisor \

Then you are covered in that regard :+1: others might not be.

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Upgraded to bullseye, installed osagent, but the test failed

-bash: gdbus: command not found

And this is probably normal waiting for the next supervisor:

I have also upgraded to Bullseye, but I got the *.deb installed just fine.

How do I check this ?

You’ll need to install gdbus first by running sudo apt install libglib2.0-bin.


grep ExecStart= /etc/systemd/system/hassio-supervisor.service on my supervised installed revealed /usr/local/sbin/hassio-supervisor as the supervisor startup script. You should find above quoted docker run call in there.

No idea where to adjust the environment variables as we don’t use a docker run command anywhere or a script as the supervisor is a service. Where is the file to adjust those variables found? Is the best approach just to run the installation script again?

first of all find out if they are there already.

docker inspect hassio_supervisor|grep Env -A10

should catch your env variables.


So just the machine name then. I’m thinking I just run the install script again…

no change.
So the script is writing to /etc/hassio.json looks like this:

    "supervisor": "homeassistant/amd64-hassio-supervisor",
    "machine": "generic-x86-64",
    "data": "/usr/share/hassio"

So the reinstall fixed that file.
The script is in /usr/sbin/hassio-supervisor

Maybe I can restart Supervisor? Nope!
Tried downgrading to 2021.8.7 but that’s not making it change the image it’s pulling either.

My file looks the same. I am a bit confused should we be changing the name to

“supervisor”: “hassio-supervisor”


Yes, after apt install libglib2.0-bin I saw the osagent was installed correct.

If I remember correctly you are using home assistant supervised.

The service is located here:


which is calling following script:


where you will find the docker run command with the environment variables

EDIT: On my supervised installation they were already present