October 20, 2020, 6:53pm
H.A is installed on a new I9 Intel nuc with docker and ubuntu 20.04
The machine is up to date but there is a message on supervisor / System: you are running an unsupported installation.
Supervior version: 247
Newest installation 247
channel stable
what must I do for resolving this issue ?
Best regards
You must use a supported system.
You are currently using Ubuntu, which is not supported.
Please see the response from Tom for details as to what, specifically, is supported.
In reality, it will likely keep working fine under Ubuntu.
Or it might not. Such is the risk of using an unsupported OS.
October 20, 2020, 7:47pm
if you have a dedicated machine, then set it up to spec.
If you have it on a multipurpose machine, don’t sweat it unless it becomes an issue.