
My supervisor reports:

Version	234
Latest version	234
You are running an unsupported installation.
System Health
arch	armv7l
dev	false
docker	true
docker_version	19.03.5
hassio	true
host_os	Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)
installation_type	Home Assistant Supervised
os_name	Linux
os_version	4.19.93-v7l+
python_version	3.8.3
supervisor	234
timezone	America/New_York
version	0.114.1
virtualenv	false
dashboards	5
mode	storage
resources	17
views	6

Apparently I installed using the “supervised” method that will no longer supported.
How do install using the correct method install for the rpi4?
Can I then restore a snapshot?
Will I still be able to use a python script that relies on smbus2 or python-smbus?

Ignore it. There are very strict requirements for ha supervised and few of us meet them. It nevertheless works perfectly.

I got the same error, also running on RPI4, but its installed on top of raspbian

As I said in a different topic, I guess 99% of the people who use a HA supervised install are seeing this message right now.
2 main reasons :
1/ default docker install uses json as logging method. You have to change to journald
2/ only supported OS is debian. If you don’t use debian (e.g. raspbian), you get this message, although HA supervised runs fine on raspbian.

So yes, fix 1/ and ignore 2/ for the moment.

And if you really want a fully supported image :

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That usually means : not enough disk space to perform the upgrade

Right, I deleted the message because I saw that the update failed due to low disk space.

I’ve limited the log size of the docker containers.


Same here. The message does not matter, but. Is there any problem getting this message? I mean, we will receive supervisor updates although we continue using Raspian?

Yes. That does not seem a problem.

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I am having the same problem but after the update of supervisor my add-on’s are not working. While opening them I get an error message on screen that says, " 401: Unauthorized". All the add-on’s appear with the same message while opening their Web UI.