Support Big Ass Fans es6 fan: uplight, mood light, UVC (and improve BAF support generally)

heyyy, ur big ass fans support is rly good but could b better if it did es6 w/uplight + rgb mood lighting + uvc??

maybe this xtra info will help??? :100: lolz

message RemoteCommandData
    string address = 2;

message SystemAction
    enum Command
        NoAction           = 0;
        Reboot             = 2;
        StartAudibleSignal = 4;
        StartVisibleSignal = 5;
        ForgetRemote       = 8;
        ResumeFanMode      = 11;
        ResumeLightMode    = 12;

    Command command = 1;
    reserved 2;

    oneof field
        RemoteCommandData       remoteData               = 3;

enum Direction
    Forward = 0;
    Reverse = 1;

enum OperatingMode
    Off     = 0;
    On      = 1;
    Auto    = 2;

enum MultipleLightMode
    AllLights   = 0;
    Downlight   = 1;
    Uplight     = 2;

enum Day
    NoDay       = 0;
    Sunday      = 1;
    Monday      = 2;
    Tuesday     = 3;
    Wednesday   = 4;
    Thursday    = 5;
    Friday      = 6;
    Saturday    = 7;

enum RebootReason
    Unknown             = 0;
    Other               = 1;
    PowerOn             = 2;
    Software            = 3;
    IndependentWatchdog = 4;
    TaskWatchdog        = 5;
    BrownOut            = 6;
    LowPower            = 7;
    Lockup              = 8;
    Pin                 = 9;

message Network
    bytes ssid = 1;

enum AssistWith
    Nothing = 0;
    Heating = 1;
    Cooling = 2;
    All     = 3;

message WallControlConfiguration
    enum Function
        NoFunction  = 0;
        LightLevel  = 1;
        LightColor  = 2;
        FanSpeed    = 3;

    Function topButtonFunction    = 1;
    Function bottomButtonFunction = 2;

message DebugInfo
    uint32            uptimeMinutes         = 1;
    uint32            rebootCountTotal      = 2;
    uint32            rebootCountSincePor   = 3;
    RebootReason      lastRebootReason      = 4;
    uint32            lastRebootDetails     = 5;
    uint32            softwareError         = 6;
    uint32            softwareErrorDetails  = 7;

enum FirmwareType
    Host    = 0;
    Wifi    = 1;
    Light   = 2;
    Motor   = 3;

enum ExternalDeviceType
    BleRemote       = 0;
    BleWallControl  = 1;
    UnknownDevice   = 2;

message DetailedVersion
    FirmwareType type              = 1;
    string       appVersion        = 2;
    string       bootloaderVersion = 3;

message ExternalDeviceVersion
    ExternalDeviceType type               = 1;
    string             packageVersion     = 2;
    string             bootloaderVersion  = 3;
    string             macAddress         = 4;
    RebootReason       rebootReason       = 7;

message GroupContainer
    bytes  uuid = 2;
    string name = 3;

message StandbyLed
    enum ColorPreset
        Custom  = 0;
        Red     = 1;
        Green   = 2;
        Blue    = 3;
        Teal    = 4;
        Yellow  = 5;
        Violet  = 6;
        White   = 7;
        Orange  = 8;
        Pink    = 9;

    ColorPreset colorPreset     = 1;
    bool        enabled         = 2;
    uint32      percent         = 3;
    uint32      red             = 4;
    uint32      green           = 5;
    uint32      blue            = 6;

message DeviceCapabilities
    bool hasTempSensor       = 1;
    bool hasHumiditySensor   = 2;
    bool hasOccupancySensor  = 3;
    bool hasLight            = 4;
    bool hasLightSensor      = 5;
    bool hasColorTempControl = 6;
    bool hasFan              = 7;
    bool hasSpeaker          = 8;
    bool hasPiezo            = 9;
    bool hasLedIndicators    = 10;
    bool hasUplight          = 11;
    bool hasUvcLight         = 12;
    bool hasStandbyLed       = 13;
    bool hasEcoMode          = 14;

message Property
    oneof field
        string          name              = 1;
        string          model             = 2;
        string          localTime         = 4;
        string          utcTime           = 5;
        string          timeZone          = 6;
        string          fwVersion         = 7;
        string          macAddress        = 8;
        string          cloudId           = 9;
        string          deviceId          = 10;
        string          cloudServerUrl    = 11;
        string          apiVersion        = 13;
        uint32          deviceTypeId      = 15;
        DetailedVersion detailedVersion   = 16;

        DeviceCapabilities    deviceCapabilities     = 17;

        string pcbaPartNumber   = 37;
        string pcbaRevision     = 38;

        OperatingMode   fanMode                         = 43;
        Direction       fanDirection                    = 44;
        uint32          fanPercent                      = 45;
        uint32          fanSpeed                        = 46;
        bool            comfortSenseEnabled             = 47;
        uint32          comfortSenseIdealTemp           = 48;
        uint32          comfortSenseMinSpeed            = 50;
        uint32          comfortSenseMaxSpeed            = 51;
        bool            fanOccupancyEnabled             = 52;
        uint32          fanOccupancyTimeout             = 53;
        bool            fanReturnToAutoEnabled          = 54;
        uint32          fanReturnToAutoTimeout          = 55;
        bool            whooshEnabled                   = 58;
        bool            comfortSenseHeatAssistEnabled   = 60;
        uint32          comfortSenseHeatAssistSpeed     = 61;
        Direction       comfortSenseHeatAssistDirection = 62;
        uint32          commandedRpm                    = 63;
        uint32          actualRpm                       = 64;
        bool            ecoModeEnabled                  = 65;
        bool            fanOccupied                     = 66;
        bool            fanOnMeansAuto                  = 67;

        OperatingMode       lightMode                     = 68;
        uint32              lightPercent                  = 69;
        uint32              lightLevel                    = 70;
        uint32              lightColorTemperature         = 71;
        bool                lightOccupancyEnabled         = 72;
        uint32              lightOccupancyTimeout         = 73;
        bool                lightReturnToAutoEnabled      = 74;
        uint32              lightReturnToAutoTimeout      = 75;
        bool                lightDimToWarmEnabled         = 77;
        uint32              lightColorTemperatureMin      = 78;
        uint32              lightColorTemperatureMax      = 79;
        MultipleLightMode   multipleLightMode             = 82;
        StandbyLed          standbyLed                    = 83;
        bool                lightOccupied                 = 85;

        uint32 temperature       = 86;
        uint32 humidity          = 87;
        bool   lightOnMeansAuto  = 109;

        bytes           ipAddress      = 120;
        Network         network        = 124;

        bool                     indicatorsEnabled       = 134;
        bool                     audibleIndicatorEnabled = 135;
        bool                     legacyIrEnabled         = 136;
        WallControlConfiguration wallControlConfiguration =

        AssistWith assistWith  = 140;

        bool                  remoteDiscoveryEnabled = 150;
        uint32                externalDeviceCount    = 151;
        ExternalDeviceVersion externalDeviceVersion  = 152;
        bool                  bleRemoteSupported  = 153;

        DebugInfo   debugInfo       = 156;

        GroupContainer groupContainer = 171;

        bool   uvcEnabled               = 172;
        uint32 uvcLife                  = 173;

message ScheduleProperty
    oneof field
        OperatingMode fanMode      = 1;
        Direction     fanDirection = 2;
        uint32        fanSpeed     = 4;
        uint32        fanPercent   = 3;

        OperatingMode     lightMode             = 5;
        uint32            lightLevel            = 7;
        uint32            lightColorTemperature = 8;
        uint32            lightPercent          = 6;
        uint32            uplightPercent        = 9;
        MultipleLightMode multipleLightMode     = 10;

        bool   comfortSenseEnabled   = 11;
        uint32 comfortSenseIdealTemp = 12;
        uint32 comfortSenseMinSpeed  = 13;
        uint32 comfortSenseMaxSpeed  = 14;
        bool   fanOccupancyEnabled   = 15;
        uint32 fanOccupancyTimeout   = 16;
        bool   lightOccupancyEnabled = 17;
        uint32 lightOccupancyTimeout = 18;

message ScheduleJob
    enum Action
        NoAction    = 0;
        Update      = 1;
        Remove      = 2;
        Read        = 3;

    message Schedule
        message ScheduleEvent
            string                    time       = 1;
            repeated ScheduleProperty properties = 2;

        uint32         id           = 1;
        string         name         = 2;
        repeated bytes devices      = 3;
        repeated Day   days         = 4;
        bool           isEnabled    = 6;
        ScheduleEvent  startEvent   = 7;
        ScheduleEvent  endEvent     = 8;

    Action   action         = 1;
    Schedule schedule       = 2;
    uint32   schedulesCount = 3;
    uint32   schedulesMax   = 4;
message Job
    SystemAction systemAction                       = 2;
    repeated Property commands                      = 3;
    repeated ScheduleJob scheduleJob                = 4;

message Update
    repeated Property properties         = 2;
    ScheduleJob scheduleJob              = 3;

message Query
    enum Type
        All             = 0;
        Fan             = 1;
        Light           = 2;
        Device          = 3;
        Network         = 4;
        Schedules       = 5;
        Sensor          = 6;

    Type type = 1;

message ApiMessage
    oneof  payload
        Job    job    = 2;
        Query  query  = 3;
        Update update = 4;

Dude @StinkyMcGee… What kind of source code access do you have XD

This is pretty awesome. Currently making a Typescript library for HomeBridge, but I’ll get to HA soon.

This sounds like what I am looking for, too. I have a Big Ass Fan that I purchased new from BAF in Dec 2022, described as this: Ceiling Fan Kit, Haiku,52", 100-240V/1PH, WiFi/BLE, Indoor,0.05HP, <125W, Universal Mount, Motor - Oil Rubbed Bronze, Airfoils - Caramel Bamboo, Ext Tube - 12", Uplight. As you see, it has an uplight that I can control from the remote and the app, but the light does not show up in the Big Ass Fan HA Integration. Is there something I can do to enable this? If not, is this something that is planned for the BAF HA integration?

Not sure if it helps, but I’m hoping for the same uplight control with ability to control the RGB mood-light / “night light” aspects. I wish I had a better understanding of the coding but certainly happy in anyway possible.