Support for Acurite Weather sensors

Sorry, that was a typo in my documentation that I just corrected. In my environment, my Acuparse server is ‘acuparse’ (http://acuparse), and here is my config:

    - platform: acuparse
      hostname: acuparse
       - temp
       - temp_trend
       - temp_high
       - temp_high_time
       - temp_low
       - temp_low_time
       - feels
       - relh
       - relh_trend
       - pressure_trend
       - pressure_inhg
       - wind_mph
       - wind_dir
       - wind_deg
       - rain_rate_in
       - rain_total_in_today

With some cleanup in my configuration.yaml, I have it all working great! Thanks a zillion!

Dave Thompson over at did a twelve part series on the Acurite 5n1 and how it works and how to intercept the 433 Mhz data. He has all the code published on his GitHub repository.
His “adventures” are well worth the read.

Just a heads up for anyone else searching, I was able to read a Acurite sensor with a RTL-SDR dongle on the same machine running hass and get it into the system with a command line sensor really easily. Command and config shown here.

Any further updates on this?

I’ve been using rtl_433. I was using a python script to pull the data then fire it off to MQTT but newer versions can now send to MQTT directly. More info here:

Since there was nothing available I decided to implement something. I bought a LILYGO T3_v1.6.1 433MHz board which has a SX1278 and an ESP32. I have it working. If anyone wants to give it a try I can put the ESPHome component up on GitHub.

FYI I put my ESPHome component here (example yaml and instructions):

Need a 433 MHz board, I recommend this one:
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