Support for Daikin AirBase units

I am new to the Hass community and I just want to say that you guys are deadset legends :smiley:

I thought I had broken something and then I find this and it not only tells me exactly what’s wrong but you’ve already fixed it!

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Thank you!

The fix is published so you should be able to upgrade now. Please report back how it goes.

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I just updated to 0.11.2 and can confirm it mostly works again :+1:

Minor power button bug: The lovelace card “power” button doesn’t turn the unit on but does turn it off. Selecting a mode (e.g. heat) also turns it on. On my ducted multizone unit power and mode are separate, I guess on a split system off is just another function. I can’t say for sure as I only just started using HASS last week, but I think the power button did work when I first installed it.

Another very minor bug relating to my unit is that it has a fourth fan mode “Auto” in addition to low, mid, high. Hass correctly reports the actual speed.

Thanks again.

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That is how it is intended to work from HA. You either set mode or turn it off (there is no on button).

We could investigate that further. Could you please set your unit to Fan auto and run pydaikin -a <your-dev-ip> (after you have installed pydaikin with pip install pydaikin).

Here is the output with Auto Fan on.

$ pydaikin -a
            ac_dst: au
             acled: 1
          airside0: 0
          airside1: 0
          airside2: 0
          airside3: 0
             auto0: 0
             auto1: 1
             auto2: 0
             auto3: 1
              cent: 0
            cool_h: 32
            cool_l: 16
              dfd0: 0
              dfd1: 0
              dfd2: 1
              dfd3: 0
              dfd7: 1
              dfr0: 1
              dfr1: 1
              dfr2: 5
              dfr3: 1
              dmnd: 0
               dt1: 20
               dt2: 23
               dt3: 24
              elec: 0
        en_airside: 0
           en_auto: 1
           en_cent: 0
    en_common_zone: 1
            en_dry: 1
           en_fdir: 0
    en_filter_sign: 1
          en_frate: 1
     en_frate_auto: 1
        en_ipw_sep: 0
         en_mompow: 0
         en_patrol: 0
    en_quick_timer: 1
        en_rtemp_a: 0
        en_scdltmr: 0
         en_spmode: 0
   en_temp_setting: 1
           en_zone: 8
        error code: 0
         f_airside: 0
            f_auto: 1
     fan direction: off
          fan rate: low
  filter_sign_info: 0
       frate_steps: 3
            heat_h: 32
            heat_l: 16
       inside temp: -
              humd: 0
              land: 0
            m_dtct: 0
              mode: hot
             model: NOTSUPPORT
      outside temp: -
             power: 1
              remo: 2
               ret: OK
            s_humd: 7
              shum: --
       target temp: 20
              temp: 1
              type: N
         zone_name: ['DOWN   Zone1', 'MIA   Zone2', 'MASTER Zone3', 'GUEST  Zone4', 'TOP    Zone5', 'EJM   Zone6', 'KAP   Zone7', 'TILL   Zone8']
        zone_onoff: ['1', '1', '1', '0', '1', '1', '1', '1']

So it is Low + Auto (just as in SKYFi: Integration with Daikin Skyfi app (Air conditioning) - #169 by denis.french)?

Yeah, that looks right. In the UI on the airbase app you have to cycle through all 6 possibilities. Two separate buttons on the physical panel. It’s new and the weather has just got bad enough in Sydney to actually use it so never even noticed this.

Settings are as you would expect

# High Auto
            f_auto: 1
     fan direction: off
          fan rate: high

# Mid Auto
            f_auto: 1
     fan direction: off
          fan rate: mid

# Low no auto
            f_auto: 0
     fan direction: off
          fan rate: low

So I’m not actually sure what the auto does if you manually set the speed…

Ok, good. Can you set different orientation of the fan too? (fan direction)

It’s a ducted system and doesn’t have that. In fact the lovelace widget pretty closely matches the app. The zones tab is just a list of switches.


I’ll try to add the extra fan-modes later today so it might show up in HA in a week or so.

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Hi! Still having issues with the HomeKit integration.

Firstly, a new issue that the HomeKit temperature gauge is now allowing .5 deg C intervals which Airbase doesn’t support. It previously, correctly, used whole degree intervals.

Second issue… still this weird “Auto” mode issue, plus now not responding to Heat and Cool commands correctly. I made a quick video of the issue, see here:

On the latest version of HA.

You have to take the HomeKit issues with the HomeKit guys.

It works flawlessly on Google Home Nest.

How does AirBase set fan_rate high/auto?

Does we have any reference on how this should be implemented, what is the right set command http://IP/skyfi/aircon/set_control_info?pow={pow}&mode={mode}&stemp={stemp}&shum={shum}&f_auto=1&f_mode=5 ?

I probably need to look for frate_steps and en_frate_auto to determine what modes that are supported.

@askpete do you have an idea what en_common_zone=1 could imply on your unit.

I have a 3 speed fan on a ducted unit which has been working flawlessly until I updated home assistant 2 days ago (I tend to update fairly regularly). It now gives only 2 speeds. The airbase app on my phone still has 3 speeds. Is anyone else experiencing this? Thanks always for the great work.

I’m working on a fix for this, sorry for the inconvenience.

I assume that you only see low/high. What happens when you set it to mid in the app?

The unit keeps track on different fan_rates for each mode, could you help me investigate what dfd2: 1 means. The 2 means cool, dfr usually means fan_rate, but I’ve not seen dfd before, perhaps it means fan_auto so dfd2: 1 + dfr2: 5 means in cool mode the fan is High/Auto.

You are correct - only Hi/Lo at the present on HA. The airbase app still sets Hi/Med/Lo.

I’ve changed a lot in how fanmodes are supported so it would be good if someone with an AirBase unit could test the 0.111 once the beta comes out.

hope this helps -

using home assistant dev 110 downloaded about 2 hours the daikin integration comes up at auto discovery, but fails to load…

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/home/pi/homeassistant/lib/python3.7/site-packages/homeassistant/components/daikin/”, line 77, in _create_device
File “/home/pi/homeassistant/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pydaikin/”, line 118, in factory
await appl.init()
File “/home/pi/homeassistant/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pydaikin/”, line 54, in init
await super().init()
File “/home/pi/homeassistant/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pydaikin/”, line 88, in init
await self.update_status(self.HTTP_RESOURCES[1:])
File “/home/pi/homeassistant/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pydaikin/”, line 208, in update_status
self.values.update(await self._get_resource(resource))
File “/home/pi/homeassistant/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pydaikin/”, line 184, in _get_resource
return await self._run_get_resource(resource)
File “/home/pi/homeassistant/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pydaikin/”, line 61, in _run_get_resource
return await super()._run_get_resource(resource)
File “/home/pi/homeassistant/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pydaikin/”, line 197, in _run_get_resource
return self.parse_response(await resp.text())
File “/home/pi/homeassistant/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pydaikin/”, line 42, in parse_response
response = super().parse_response(response_body)
TypeError: super(type, obj): obj must be an instance or subtype of type