Support for displaying HA dashboard on Android TV?

I’m sure this has come up a few time before, but could we please consider an app for android tv?

Android Debug Bridge - Home Assistant.
Android TV Remote - Home Assistant.
GitHub - PRProd/HA-Firemote: Apple TV, Amazon Fire TV, Fire streaming stick, Chromecast, NVIDIA Shield, Xiaomi Mi, and Android TV remote control emulator for Home Assistant.

So ya, just a few. I use all these.

I meant more an app on android TV for displaying HA dashboard ON android TV.

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OK, gotch-ya.
I thought you meant the other way around.

TBH that wasn’t clear it your request.

I think that tv (at lest many of them) could be “too slow” for HA app, they doesn’t have a powerull CPU inside, since the main thing is a great image, not calculatuon (thus they have a great graphics processor, but only basic main CPU),. There’s quite power needed to run HA app. I have a number of old tablets which are useless for app. They can “sort of” run web page, but response is very slow. I know because i wanted to use old tablets for HA screens around the house, but i ended up buying new ones (or used laptops with touch screen - they can be decently priced) just because working with them makes you crazy (because response is awfull). Such slow cpu tablets also tend to freeze occasionally, or they show differences in HA (like temperature changes) only after minutes, not immediately…

Could you maybe update the title to reflect your specific wish and then I suggest you also vote for your own suggestion. :slight_smile:

Being able to show a selected dashboard, maybe as a screensaver?, would be awesome. No need for it to be interactive, at least for me. I would like to show, for instance, current PV power generation, SoC, etc.


You should be able to cast to it. If you do not want cast you could download or sideload a web browser.

That would be so nice, found this thread looking for exactly that! Easy way for non-tech family members to see the state of PV


I wrote an AndroidTV app that can display a dashboard on your AndroidTV, although I have only tested it on a Google TV with Chromecast so your milage may very, but maybe give it a try:

Play Store link

Wiki for setting up

Configure a dashboard

I hope someone finds it useful

What are the actual HW/SW requirements? Cannot pull the apk from anywhere, play store says “you don’t have supported device”. Is it possible to attach the apk somewhere or loosen the minimum requirements, wanna try it on my tv. Thanks!

Update 2

Is now available on the Play Store again

I have only been able to test it on my own hardware which is a Google Chromecast with Google TV, and emulators available with Android Studio.
OS requirements:
minSdk = 31 (Android 12)
targetSdk = 35 (Android 15)

Configuration and tips are in the wiki

It’s stuck in Google’s review process - which has a Thanks Giving backlog, hopefully they’ll get around to it soon.

I’ve had the companion app sideloaded onto my Android TV for a while, and I find that the dashboards are incredibly hard to navigate via the remote, I wind up needing to use a mouse.
Is the navigation any better now? Perhaps I should check if there’s a newer release.

It is what inspired me to start building the app (amongst some other things), so “built in” mouse, give it a spin

Play Store

How to configure a dashboard

No sign of it with a JVC.

Hi @krisstakos,

I have just uploaded build 115 (1.1.5) that has Android 11 API 30 “R” Support :rocket:
It will be available for you to download and test shortly if you’re in the testing group - DM me to join.

An APK is available on the Wiki/Releases page.


Hi, I’ve tested it. It’s good. Just minor inconvenience, when I open the app and I’m on the dash board tab, I have click/move the focus and go back to refresh the content. Once loaded it’s good, till the next open on the app. Otherwise very pleased, good job!

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I am literally stuck on this screen and cannot continue :frowning:

Is anyone aware of any working alternatives?

I tried app in play store, it works quite well on my Philips oled. However, resolution is …well, awfull, too small, so all my icons are squeezed together. Is there any settings for this? After all TV is 4K…