Support for Dutch Smart Meter

Did you manage to do it already? Let me know, because that’s my main data source pouring into HA :wink:
Easy p…

Hi Marius,

Thanks for your answer and for the example. Honestly I’ve been a bit sidetracked with some other, more pressing, issues within home assistant and outside of home assistant. I’m suffering what some call a memory leak I guess :wink:
The Limitlessled I have, although working flawlessly, keep generating timeouts that flood my .db file which in turn eats away at my memory.
I’ve also been looking at creating separate yaml files for sensors/lights and other intergrations cause my config yaml was getting oversized. As well as trying to get fluxdb and grafana up and running like you suggested some weeks ago, without success I have to add. :wink:

ha, cool. take your time :wink:

if you need further assistance, don’t hesitate to ask !

Hi all, pretty new to HAss and I’m still exploring possibilities. I have solar panels and would like to be able to switch equipment on and off depending on the amount of net output. The smart meter can provide this information. The question is how to connect it!

My E350 has an 8-pin P1 port. I need to connect it (either via USB or via the home network) to the NUC PC running Home Assistant, which is situated at a distance of some 5m in a straight line or about 10m if I run a cable in a way my wife will accept. What options do I have?

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You could consider esp8266, e.g. D1 mini to do it over wifi.
I am using Tasmota to replace my wired connection over USB.
You could script, or forward all data and parse it in HA, or via Node-red. ==> using this, but some tricky things you should be aware of … for the hardware interface. Also referring the commands to forward the meter readings via serial-bridge.

Hope this helps!

Have a look and let me know if you like to go this route with the scripting. Then I can give you some extra direction if required.

or you can check here

Too bad there don’t seem to be any solutions that don’t require additional hardware, the ESP8266 can handle the inverted TTL signal in software just fine (I’m happy to share the code I’m running to read my ISKRA MT382, but it’s a DSMR2.2 meter and the code is a bit hacky :sweat_smile:).

Also this, a P1 to USB cable:

An alternative, if you don’t mind your data going to the cloud would be this:

There’s a HACS integration for this as well.

Thanks everyone for your responses. There certainly appear to be more roads leading to Rome but most would require quite a lot of time, especially as I’m still very new to HA. Elsewhere somebody tipped me on this solution. Only some €30 for a great looking dongle and active HACS support for integrating with HA. Looks like that will do the trick nicely and not cost me too much time.

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Hi David, Adjan,
Did you managed to get it working? I was struggling to do this as well. Things i have learned (as a newbie to Home Assistant)
My configuration:
RPi3 with HA iso flashed on a SD card 16GB
P1 serial cable RJ11 to USB from cedel:
Note: be aware not all this kind of cables work - so make sure to verify!. I had one from that does not work with the BE meter.
Belgian smart meter fluvius T211-D (3 phase, but this should also work for the S211 single phase)
Port enabled via the fluvius portal (

What had to do:
This is a reasonable good blog if you have some HA experience. And this one too
It says that you have to change the configuration.yaml file, but it does not say how. (And like i said, i’m brand-new to this… so i had no clue)
To do so you would need to use SSH terminal for example.

(note: below it explains how to install and use the SSH add-on, but i have learned that it is much easier to install the file editor add-on to edit the file. The downside with the SSH client as described below is that you cannot copy from that client, only paste into it and that makes it often hard to do editing & troubleshooting. To install the editor use the procedure as below but search for the file editor)

That’s not installed by default if you use the HA image. (the iso file that you burn to an SD-card and then startup your pi, in my case a pi3)
You can add a “add-on” SSH terminal by installing it from the add-on store
… however, this is not visible by default.
It will only appear if you are in “advanced HA mode”… this, you have to enable on your user profile page by enabling the switch “advanced mode”
Now to install go to supervisor -> add-on store and search for SSH, click on the add on and click install.
Once installed you will find on the left side bar the terminal. (or you could use a terminal on your computer for example to connect, i have not tried this though)
Now you can start editing the configuration.yaml file.
This requires a little knowledge of linux alike commands. note that the HA image does not have all Linux/RPI command available…
To start you have to go to the config directory: cd config
See if you can find the file: ls => this should show all files in the directory, including the configuration.yaml file.
Now you can edit the file with the command: nano configuration.yaml file

You can copy and paste the code from the blog as instructed.
But: which serial port should you use??
To find out to which serial port your cable is connected go to supervisor->system->host and click on te 3 dots at the bottom->hardware.

This will give you an overview of the connected hardware, where you will find the USB port you need.

Copy the whole /dev/serial/… (in my case /dev/serial/by-id/usb-FTDI_FT232R_USB_UART_AQ56M4B3-if00-port0) and replace in the “port:” parameter in the configuration.yaml file ( /dev/ttyUSB1) with this string so that you will end up with
port: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-FTDI_FT232R_USB_UART_AQ56M4B3-if00-port0
Save the file (ctrl x and y to save to the file)


Note: for the Belgian DSRM use version 5B (or try a few, i had some troubles getting the power consumption)
Now reboot the system, then all integrations, 2 devices (one for electric, and one for gas) and a whole bunch of parameters should appear (in my case 30)

I hope this will help!! Good luck!

Im doing the same.
However i found the “slimme meter” not good enough, and trying to get the dsmr reader working

The one from “slimme meter” gives you a bunch of sensors, but doesnt tell you much.
Also i read, it fills up your database ! beware of that

You can now use the DSMR as addon, DSMR Reader Add-on for Home Assistant