Support for Eufy RoboVac or Smart Bulbs?

As luck would have it, I just shut down all my servers as well as my NAS where I have my backups last night…so I can’t get you an exact config until sometime next week. However, the gist of it is as follows…and keep in mind I have multiple 30C’s so conceptually this should all be the same but there may be minor variances.

  • Per, Eufy’s Google Assistant service should work with multiple vacuums if you say “OK Google, ask RoboVac (robot name) to start cleaning”
  • I found the above to not be fully accurate through back and forth incl. video evidence with their support. Long story short, you could not say “OK Google, ask RoboVac Entryway to start cleaning”, as it would simply “transfer” over to the Eufy integration which would then say “Please say the name of the device you want to use. You have Hallway, Entryway, …”
  • Eufy’s full response was the following:

"Really appreciated you provided the details and a short video. We tested again and we replicated your case. Our software team explained that we are using customer action with Google now, which means Google only allows us to use the given/last name to control the device. For example,

Common given names: John/Mary

Common last names: Smith/Adams

Please view detail here:

So, Google can not recognize “entryway” for the first time when you give the command to it. Would you please give your four RoboVac the given names to have a try? This will work for you.

And we really appreciate your feedback, we will explain clearly in our app. Thanks for your understanding. Let me know if you have any other questions.

Have a great day!"

  • So while I could not say “OK Google, ask RoboVac Entryway to start cleaning” and have the EntryWay RoboVac instantly start cleaning, I discovered that sure enough I could rename the EntryWay to “John” (or any other common first or last name) in the Eufy app, and then say “OK Google, ask RoboVac John to start cleaning”. And no, I’m not even joking on this one. I wish I was -_-
  • From there, it was just a matter of setting up this addon here: Community Add-on: Google Assistant Webserver (broadcast messages without interrupting music)
  • Then figuring out how to tie the entity button to call the web service at the proper URL (which I want to say is http://[local_hass_ip]:5000/command?message=ask%20robovac%20john%20to%20start%20cleaning). But again the exact URL and the entity button to URL call is what I don’t have the exact config for available at the moment, but I can get you exact info sometime next week if you’d like.

It’s far, far from the most “ideal” solution as again unless you are better with names than I you’re unlikely to remember which RoboVac “John” is in the app, but it makes it pretty seemless from the HA side as you’ll never see that it’s actually calling that jankyness in the background. Hacky, kinda crappy, but it works lol. Let me know if you have any other questions :slight_smile: