Support for Flexit Nordic S4 (IP/Modbus)

For those interested in the future for the Flecis (BACnet) integration, @piotrbulinski has created a page for that: Flexit Nordic (BACnet) - Roadmap & ideas

I tried it today. It is -16.7C outside and the efficiency dropped to 73%

The extract air temperature does not seem to work for me, neither does the room temp. They are reported on the display unit.

Device Name: HvacFnct21y_A
operation_mode: 3
ventilation_mode: 3

outside_air_temperature: -16.7
supply_air_temperature: 17.5
exhaust_air_temperature: -7.5
extract_air_temperature: 0.0
room_temperature: 0.0
room_1_humidity: 0.0
room_2_humidity: 0.0
room_3_humidity: 0.0

heat_exchanger_efficiency: 73%

air_filter_polluted: False

Well, I would still say that the heat exchanger works really well. Its minus 17°C outside and the unit still can push air with a temperature of almost 18°C into your house.

What model (or serial) number do you have on your device? Give me the first six digits.

I’m curious where do you live?

I live in Norway

Serial Number: 800121-xxxxxx

Here is the data when stopped. The intake temperature is +3.7C, so little change to freeze.

Device Name: HvacFnct21y_A
Operation_mode: Off
Ventilation_mode: Stopped

Outside air temp.: 3.7 °C
Supply air temp.: 16.9 °C
Extract air temp.: 0.0 °C
Exhaust air temp.: 2.3 °C
Room air temp.: 0.0 °C

[edit] The unit is placed in a heated room

You have the Vent.aggregat Nordic S3 REL then :smiley:

Not sure what sensors that unit have. I have the S4 RER. That is one of the things we have to understand, what differs between the models.

Correct, Flexit Nordic S 3 R E 500 L 230, to be precise
How can I help to find the differences / sensors?

In case you don’t want to wait until the sensors are in the integration here is a hack:

  1. you need to have pyscript installed (available in HACS)
  2. in your pyscript directory place a .py file with the following content:
from flexit_bacnet import FlexitBACnet.   # should be availabel if you have the flexit integration

# create the sensors
state.set("sensor.flexit_efficiency",  new_attributes={'unit_of_measurement': '%'})
state.set("sensor.flexit_outside_air_temperature",  new_attributes={'unit_of_measurement': '°C'})
state.set("sensor.flexit_supply_air_temperature",  new_attributes={'unit_of_measurement': '°C'})
state.set("sensor.flexit_extract_air_temperature",  new_attributes={'unit_of_measurement': '°C'})
state.set("sensor.flexit_exhaust_air_temperature",  new_attributes={'unit_of_measurement': '°C'})
device = FlexitBACnet('', 2)    # your ip address, and device id
# update the sensors every 5minutes
@time_trigger("period(now, 5min)")
def get_flexit_device_info():
    await device.update()
    state.set("sensor.flexit_efficiency", value=device.heat_exchanger_efficiency)
    state.set("sensor.flexit_outside_air_temperature", value=device.outside_air_temperature)
    state.set("sensor.flexit_supply_air_temperature", value=device.supply_air_temperature)
    state.set("sensor.flexit_extract_air_temperature", value=device.extract_air_temperature)
    state.set("sensor.flexit_exhaust_air_temperature",  value=device.exhaust_air_temperature)

I have already added a PR for the sensors. It is a lot of work, but eventually they will be added to HA.

Maybe you can test the flexit_bacnet library directly on your computer and put the output here so we can see what sensors you have.

Run the example code from here:

device.extract_air_temperature is missing (reporting 0) and there should be at least 1 humidity sensor. Room temperature is also not showing up on the display unit. The rest seems to be fine.

And even at -19.8C this night, still running at 77% efficiency! According to my wife, the heat exchanger was not working anymore when it was -23C or something like that.

Device Name:                    HvacFnct21y_A
Operation_mode:                 Home
Ventilation_mode:               Home

Outside air temp.:              -19.2 °C
Supply air temp.:               18.6 °C
Extract air temp.:              0.0 °C
Exhaust air temp.:              -10.5 °C
Room air temp.:                 0.0 °C
Room 1 humidity:                0.0%
Room 2 humidity:                0.0%
Room 3 humidity:                0.0%
Comfort button state:           True
Air temp. setpoint Away:        18.0 °C
Air temp. setpoint Home:        20.0 °C
Fireplace duration remaining:   10 minutes
Rapid vent. duration remaining: 10 minutes
Supply air fan control signal:  50 %
Supply air fan speed:           2106 rpm
Exhaust air fan control signal: 50 %
Exhaust air fan speed:          2092 rpm
Electric heater:                True
Electric heater nominal power:  0.8 kW
Electric heater power:          0.797 kW
Fan sp - supply air Home:       50%
Fan sp - supply air high:       100%
Fan sp - supply air Away:       33%
Fan sp - supply air Cooker:     90%
Fan sp - supply air Fireplace:  90%
Fan sp - extract air Home:      50%
Fan sp - extract air High:      100%
Fan sp - extract air away:      33%
Fan sp - extract air Cooker:    50%
Fan sp - extract air Fireplace: 50%
Air filter operating time:      1004.0 hours
Air filter exchange interval:   4380.0 days
Air filter polluted:            False
Heat-exchanger efficiency:      78%
Heat-exchanger speed:           100%

Interesting! It is amazing that the heat exchanger efficiency is still so high.

Could you go here Issues · piotrbulinski/flexit_bacnet · GitHub and create an issue please. Also, for additional feature requests discussion is here Flexit Nordic (BACnet) - Roadmap & ideas

In Sindres integration I had the possibility to call “Boost temporary” I use Node Red to call a temporary boost when co2 or humidity “claims” it. With this integration “Boost temporary” is non existing. Also in Sindres when I used the thermostat card I had the possibility to turn on/off the electric Heater as a hvac mode. I miss those functions, but it is possible I have overlooked something.

Boost temporary is a feature we will add. Also Fireplace mode.

But at the moment it’s only me working on the integration and time is extremely limited for me. Maybe after the summer I will work on this.

I have a Flexit Nordic S4, connected via IP, model name reported as POS3.67 in the Flexit Go app.

Thanks for this excellent integration, good work :heart:

It is working well except for fan setpoints. All the fan setpoints are reported as 0, and I get an error message if I try to set them to anything. Is that a common problem? I’m on HA Core 2024.5.5.

Just to verify: This integration does not require the additional modbus harness, right?

Tjäna Jonas. Is there any progress on this. When winter is coming the Fireplace mode would be critical to have. There is always a posibillity to go back to Sindres integration, but it is cloud based and have its limitations, but it still have “Fireplace” though.

No, it does not. It works over ethernet. Just plug in the cable in the unit and you are good to go.

Tjena tjena.

As I mentioned in the roadmap thread I will start working on this after the summer.


I even forgot that i have asked the question before, in roadmap. Did find it when I had posted this. Looking forward to it.