Support for Hue switches (tab/ dimmer)

Have you tried capturing long press commands also? Just set it up based on your recommendation and seems to be working great. I’d like to capture long presses though but cant see how to ignore the first button press and just capture the x003 code

I just checked the prices and the Hue Dimmer switch is $34, so even though the Tap is on a good special ($30 instead of $79), the dimmer seems a better option.
I was still hoping that it might be possible to use these without a bridge/hub and intercept Zigbee signals instead of whatever is used to read from the bridge.

Hi @wmn79 ! Thanks for the idea of rest sensor. I’ve implemented and it works well as far as I control the light only with Hue dimmer because dimmer change his state between 1002 and 4002 with every light switch. Problem starts when I use first hue dimmer to turn off light (hue dimmer changes his state to 4002), then another switch or automation turn on my light (hue dimmer still in state 4002) and then I try to turn off light with hue dimmer - hue dimmer sensor change state from 4002 to 4002 and nothing happen as system doesn’t really see sensor state change. If I press then turn on light and turn off, switch shortly change state from 4002 to 1002 and back - light turning off. Any idea how to solve the issue?

I moved to a different solution for switching my kitchen lights with the dimmer and that is by programming some extra rules on the Hue bridge with the “all 4 hue” Android app. This works without issues for my purpose of switching an extra Hue room with the dimmer.

What I did before that is to also create a rest sensor for the last updated state in the dimmer and had that as trigger. In this way it always triggers on a press on any of the dimmers buttons. Then you need to find the right conditions, for example state of the lights and the “buttonevent 4002 or 1002”. The only issue with this is that when you do this quickly your light state in Home Assistant might not be updated yet since the bridge is only polled for the light state every 30 seconds I believe.

Hope this is helpful, good luck.


A hack that does exactly what you want is described here.

Good luck :slight_smile:


Thank you, totally what I need. Going to try it tonight :grinning:

Im ordering another Hue remote as they are pretty handy and thinking about turning my current solution into a custom remote component. Any interest in this or anybody want to collaborate?

I’d certainly make use of a HASS component for these remotes. I’m no programmer but i could help with testing.

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is there any easy chance to install the hue-mqtt-bridge under

Custom component on Hue motion sensors + remotes: custom component


Hi, sorry to reopen a so old post, but I have a question about this:
is the the polling is necessary even with the Hue bridge? If so, is it possible to poll the bridge so that the network will not get congested?

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If you want instant events of remotes Hue bridge isn’t optimal to use.

To create a new post from an existing topic, click in the date and “+ New Topic.”

…mmm… I don’t have the “+New Topic” under the link

See the “4h” in the screenshot? Click in that link and there should be “New Topic” below the “selected” link.

A PR for this was opened and closed by @marthocoo here

I found the custom component written by @robmarkcole really helpful. Exposing the hue switches as sensors means I can at write automations to make them do what I want.

@robmarkcole: Is there any chance you may consider releasing this into an official Hassio add-on?

HI @brendan see Official Hue sensors component

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@robmarkcole: Thank you for the link. I really appreciate this.
My start in “home automation” was grabbing a few hue globes and switches. I have 3 Hue Motion sensors and half a dozen dimmer switches I am using with your custom app now. Figured there was no point wasting them.

Thanks for your work. I’ll check the other thread.

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@robmarkcole: Thanks for the excellent work on the Hue switches.
Folks I have a quick question (I hope).
I have a functioning environment with some hue lights and multiple bridges with some basic automations with switches around the house. Automations using the motion sensors work a treat.

I would love to enable a hue switch to toggle a few things around the house too.
I am running the stock HA hue integration under 0.95.4 with no problems so far (on linux docker).

Per i’ve added the custom_components/huesensor folder.
have followed in configuration.yaml
(do I need to enable the hue platform?)

HA is now throwing two new errors

Error while setting up platform hue
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/", line 122, in _async_setup_platform
    task = async_create_setup_task()
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/", line 87, in async_create_setup_task
    None, platform.setup_platform, hass, platform_config,
AttributeError: module 'homeassistant.components.hue.sensor' has no attribute 'setup_platform'
Connection lost. Reconnecting…

Exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/", line 2245, in send
    bytes_sent = s.sendto(packet, 0, (addr, port))
PermissionError: [Errno 1] Operation not permitted

AND unable to see any dimmers within my entities.

Where the heck do I start to resolve this?
or have I missed something fundamental?

Any help greatly appreciated.