Please create support for cloud storage so that we can back up home assistant snapshots to
Please point to their API.
How do I do this with Home Assistant?
You’ll need to identify mega’s api, and then develop it into HA.
Any news on this?
I’m testing the MEGAcmd to automate the backup, maybe it could be easy to be automatized then implement a new client.
mega-backup /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant /home-assistant --period="0 0 4 * * *" --num-backups=10
I have also included a cronotab line:
0 */30 * * * ps u -U homeassistant | grep -qo [m]ega-cmd-server || /usr/bin/mega-sync
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I have this running as well…works really well, but the OS has to be logged in for the cron job to work for some reason
Are there any addons that support Mega?
Sorry for the bump
any addons which support mega?
No, but a backup command is demonstrated above.