Support for Nest Protect

Yes, however I would not advice to automate this yet. This is calling all login endpoints and the ‘first app launch’ endpoint, and thus should not be called very often.

was just a thought =) It feels so near yet so far

Hi All,

I was little scared to make the move. But for those who struggling its easy.

  1. migrate your nest account to google.
  2. follow the steps on the HA page for the Nest integration to add your thermostat
  3. follow the steps on the Add-on page to add your protects to HA.

Now everything is back in HA and working.

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protects working via Hoobs? @poudenes

I used this Ad-On

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If you have read the readme, it is only updating if you restart HA or the service. If your alarm will go off, you will only find out when the neighbour calls you =)

No thats not correct. I have read the readme. And when there is a fire I always get the message by phone using the NEST App! :slight_smile:

When this add-on is fully working in future. The protects are now added correct in HA with Google account now.

Assuming you’re not on ‘focus mode’. The Nest app doesn’t support critical alerts. (Also assuming you’re on iOS. I have no idea how this works on Android)

If so that the NEST App doesn’t support critical alerts then the whole Nest protects are useless…
Then you better can have neighbour who look at your house 24/7

You can test it =) I have not, but you can. Let us know

For as far as I know it doesn’t. They’ve stopped development on the Nest app and moved on to the Google Home app which does support critical alarms. The Google home app however doesn’t support the Nest Protect :joy:.

So you can probably understand why I’m anxiously waiting for Protect support in Home Assistant.

Ehmm didn’t know that. Then I’m lost when my house burns down. I will do a claim at Google then hahaha

You can use Hoobs/HomeKit integration with Nest protect until the code is ported into HA directly

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I have an issue just adding the ha-nest-protect:

Please create an issue on GitHub and add your log there.

hey Mick, this looks great. Will it support other sensors (e.g. Nightly promise, light on etc) in the future as well? How much work is involved in getting these other sensors and get realtime updates?

I might dive into this myself if i can figure out how it works and help you.

All sensors that I could find are already exposed (see device page, some are hidden by default for LoveLace).

You can have a look here for my progress: Add real-time updates by iMicknl · Pull Request #10 · iMicknl/ha-nest-protect ( It is quite dirty, but I am very close. The main issue now is that it doesn’t renew the auth token correctly, which needs to be done every hour.
I haven’t had time to look at this thorougly in the last weeks :(. The main issue is that you need to wait for an hour, until you can actually test your fix.

Feel free to contact me on Discord if you have additional questions. (iMick#1903)

Hi, not sure it has to do with your code. Adding it manually worked fine! I’m happy to still make the issue if that helps you?

Some progress around the real-time updates. I have (test) version available that you can try, please be advised that there is still an annoying bug around the start-up time. Something blocks the HA start-up, which means that a full start-up can take up to 5 minutes.

You can download the zip below, extract it and put custom_components/nest_protect in your custom_components folder. If you have any feedback, feel free to create an issue.


Real-time updates are now in version 0.2.0 of ha-nest-protect. Error handling and code quality are not yet at a point where I would like it, however due to time constraints this will take some time.
At least a working solution for now, hopefully.

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