Support for Security Camera System via NVR - ESeeCloud/dvr163

I don’t think you understand. You can use the mainstream for record and it won’t change performance at all. If you use the main stream for detect then of course it requires a lot of performance to decode the stream.

The point is, Frigate supports separating out which stream you use for each role.

Thanks a lot for your suggestion!! i will do this :smiley:

Hi! You can find out the setting only for K9604-W

I installed the Addon Frigate now, but i dont know where to input the Config files?
Have i edit the file from you, or can i insert it copy&Paste. Sorry for this questions.
Thanks for help

Sorry for my delay… many busy this days.
You should put the file in the config folder.
You can use my file but you must change the IP of the cameras and MQTT server.


I have Anran cameras
can you provide more details of how the root password ?
I’m using the url you suggested and tried various user ids and passwords, not able to get any stream so far

Hey all. I’ve been through this entire thread and I’m no really clear on if/how these NVR’s and cameras can be used with Frigate. I can get the streams pulled up in VLC on my windows PC, but both the main streams and sub-streams report H.265 as the codec, which leaves me with a green screen from the Frigate dashboard.

Has anyone been able to successfully get this working with Frigate with H.265, or how are you getting a H.264 stream from these things? I have a K8208-W NVR paired up with fixed WIFI bullet cameras, and I’m on the latest firmware on the NVR which has the RTSP server option.

If you have gotten it to work, can you please share how?


Disregard, I had my head up my backside and didn’t fully understand how to set up my config file to disable RTMP because of the H.265 Codec. I didn’t realize it’s enabled by default, and requires you to implicitly disable it, not just remove the RTMP role from the camera.

Ciao @Wes93, alla fine sei riuscito a far funzionare il tutto?
Come hai ottenuto l’RSTP del tuo NVR? Hai messo l’indirizzo IP dell’NVR o delle singole camere?

Yes, finally i have used the Cameras link and frigate for NVR, you can find my config some post before this.

Hello to everyone!!!
Today it’s a wonderful sunday for us that we have this chinese cameras thank to our GENIUS @AlexxIT!!!
Now we have a complete, super stable and very lightweight support for our cameras using this wondeful application:

It’s about four years that i try to access the video of the DVR163/Eseecloud cameras stream without a very stable result, and also without audio but now we can access the camera feed and also the audio stream!!!

The only thing you should do is:

  1. Install the addon (GitHub - AlexxIT/go2rtc: Ultimate camera streaming application with support RTSP, RTMP, HTTP-FLV, WebRTC, MSE, HLS, MP4, MJPEG, HomeKit, FFmpeg, etc.) For now the MASTER branch!!!
  2. Open the webgui of the addon by pressing open webgui interface from the addon configuration page in HA
  3. Add the cameras using this strings:
  NameOfTheCamera1MainStream: bubble://IP:PORT(Probably 80)/bubble/live?ch=0&stream=0
  NameOfTheCamera1SubStream: bubble://IP:PORT(Probably 80)/bubble/live?ch=0&stream=1
  NameOfTheCamera2MainStream: bubble://IP:PORT(Probably 80)/bubble/live?ch=0&stream=0
  NameOfTheCamera2SubStream: bubble://IP:PORT(Probably 80)/bubble/live?ch=0&stream=1

  NVRCH1MainStream: bubble://admin:[email protected]:80/bubble/live?ch=0&stream=0
  NVRCH1SubStream: bubble://admin:[email protected]:80/bubble/live?ch=0&stream=1
  NVRCH2MainStream: bubble://admin:[email protected]:80/bubble/live?ch=1&stream=0
  NVRCH2SubStream: bubble://admin:[email protected]:80/bubble/live?ch=1&stream=1

So finally we have successfully completed our mission thanks to Alexx then DON’T FORGET TO SAY THANKS!!!


This looks promising, looks like they added our bubble source yesterday. I’ve been fiddling with it for about an hour though but it won’t connect!

My cameras don’t have audio, I wonder if that makes a difference.

@pgross i don’t think, can you send me the screen of your config? Are you sure that you don’t have an user/password configured in your cameras? also are you sure you have used the correct port? and the last question :smiley: If you try with bubble directly, with python and ffmpeg command works?

Oh I forgot about password. I do have a password so I added the same URL everyone elses uses &u=admin&p=****** but that also didn’t work.

Here is the config

Which is what is configured for the web interface

When I use ffplay or VLC I get similar behavior, it just hangs (with or without the password args)

I guess next steps will be disable the password and test, I will hopefully have time for that later today.

At a quick glance, this solution looks like it will only be able to access the cameras if they are directly on your home network. Is that true?

My cameras are on a private network managed by an Amorvue NVR. The cameras are not reachable directly by any device on my main home network - only via the NVR.

When I started this thread many years ago, I was hoping that we could acquire the camera streams and the alarms and motion detection events from the NVR that aggregates the camera streams.

But like I said, I only skimmed the docs very quickly. Does this solution make any of that possible?

Hi @pgross, could you try using this scheme?


Probably yes, because from what i remember the NVR use the same authentication method, tomorrow i will do some test in my NVR.

I tried the schema you suggested and I tried disabling the password but it still hangs. What’s extra frustrating is I know this URL exists, I sniffed it out 2 years ago!

The python script still works so it seems like it’s something specific about my system/NVR that Alexx’s code isn’t handling. I noticed the python script has the /bubble/live URL in a comment but the script doesn’t actually use it.

@Wes93 what is your firmware version?

Hello @pgross,
below the firmware details of my NVR/Cameras:

Try to write to @AlexxIT also.


Hello @pgross and @tenly,
I have and update!!! Thanks to the wonderful work of @AlexxIT now we have also support for the NVR and username / password access!! Here the Recap:

  bubble://admin:[email protected]:80/bubble/live?ch=0&stream=0
#You can change ch=1 to change the NVR channels and stream to change from main to substrem!!!

  bubble://admin:[email protected]:80/bubble/live?ch=0&stream=0
#You can change the stream value (0 Main Stream and 1 Substream)

Please test and give us a feedback and remember to say thanks to @AlexxIT !!!

P.S. Remember to update the addon by deleting ad reinstalling it!!!


IT WORKS! It’s fast and I can stream all 4 cameras without murdering my little raspberry pi.

This is great @AlexxIT thanks for the awesome work! As you can see this thread has been open (and somewhat active) for the last 5 and a half years trying to get this stream exposed!

Well, we have the stream now. Is it working for you? As for the motion events, I haven’t used or touched my motion sensor add-on in a long time but if I could get that back up and running you’d be able to accomplish both things.