Support for SwitchBot Curtain 3

If I understand correctly, the support for Curtain 3 is in 2023.10 update of HA? If so, any idea how to add the Curtain 3 because it’s not auto discovered? I have it ignored before as it appeared as contact switch, but now it’s not appearing at all. I tried setting the Curtain 3 to peering mode, but no luck.

Sorry if this has been asked before, but I got the Switchbot Curtain 3 this weekend and got it up and running in HA. It is my first Bluetooth device and I installed a Bluetooth proxy in the bedroom and the office on an ESP32.

My first question is general and although I know curtains don’t move room, if I had a BT device that did, would they be picked up by another proxy (ie are they paired to HA or to the individual BT proxy)

My second question concerns the SB curtain 3 specifically. I paired it on my phone in the SB app and calibrated etc. It was then discovered automatically by HA. What I find is now if I use my iPhone to connect via the SB app, I then need to reboot the BT proxy in the bedroom otherwise the curtains are offline. Is this normal behaviour? Can I use both the app over BT and HA?

My third question is about the feature where if you pull the curtains for 5cm it opens them - is this now disabled if I use HA? I just can’t seem to get it to work.

To answer @olebg above, whilst testing I did the same as you (I was originally on 2023.9.x) so Ignored it. However, once I updated to 2023.10 it was discovered immediately from memory.

Thanks all!


If it was previously discovered as switch, that sounds like you only have passive bluetooth discovery enabled. The Switchbot integration needs it active.

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Yes, I removed the check for passing scanning and it got detected, thank you!

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Hi everyone, stupid question but how do I enable active scanning?

    active: true

I think this is it in the Yaml.

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For me, it was this setting


Ah, I don’t have that as I have no Bluetooth passed through to the container - I am using ESP32 as BLE proxies.

I may enable Bluetooth on my NUC and pass it through - thanks!

this is strange, I don’t have that option to do configure. I have passed through bluetooth through the container.

@the-ress any updates from your side about the quiet mode? Thank you!


My Curtain 3 is not found in HA
The Shelly BT Scanner has it in the debug log

            "name": null,
            "address": "F7:92:73:XX:XX:XX",
            "rssi": -83,
            "advertisement_data": [
                "2409": {
                  "__type": "<class 'bytes'>",
                  "repr": "b'\\xf7\\x92s\\x19+5\\xb6\\x03d\\x11\\x04\\x00P'"

It was found on HA 2023.8 as a sensor, but after upgrade to 2023.10.3 it was not found any more

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Also got my curtain 3 this weekend, however, they were not auto discovered. I had to use the method described above using the custom deb deployment. Afterwards, they were detected as curtains (@Wilkovf: maybe you could try the deb deployment as well)

Unfortunately, I am not able to open or close. The UI is reporting “problem” in the attributes. In the logs it says the switchbot disconnected, but the battery and signal strength are still updating.
Any idea why controlling the motor is not working? Is it required to pair them with the hub first? (Did not buy one, instead went with only the SwitchBot bluetooth integration)

I actually reached out to their customer support in hopes they’d make interacting with the quiet mode easier via Voice Control and Home Assistant.

They’ve informed me that they plan on providing an update for Quite Mode operation in Home Assistant by the end of 4th quarter and will publish the info in the appropriate technical communities once ready.

Also thanks for your help in getting the Curtain v3 connected! Much appreciated :slight_smile:

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Maybe a stupid question, but how can you invoke silent mode via the official SwitchBot app?

Version 2 has it in its settings menu
soundlevel => dB 52 vs 56dB
Version 3 has is when you schedule a planned open close action as a switch. So only available in the switchbot app for the scheduler.
soundlevel => ~28dB vs 56dB, so a true quiet mode!

Thanks! I switches from version 2 to 3 and missed that it now only works when you schedule it. :smiley:

THX, but i am running HA in a docker. Will wait on a update.

My bad. Had to calibrate them first using the Switchbot App. Now they are working fine inside Home Assistant

In 2023.11.1 still no device found

I just picked up the Curtain 3s and the Blind tilts for my pair of bedroom windows and have a few questions about my setup. I plugged them in and they were immediately discovered by HA on 2023.11.1 under the Switchbot integration. So far so good!

I have a BT dongle in my HA box way across the house, but an ESP32 with BT Proxy set to True in the bedroom. I’m seeing a signal of about -85db on each of them (terrible). They do work, but they’re slow to respond to HA and they run at different times, almost like they’re queued.

I tried putting all 4 entities into a Cover Helper group but then only the curtains will work. Scripts do work to open/close them all, but like I said, very slow to initially respond and not grouped together at all.

Should I be using a dedicated ESP32 as the BT proxy? Right now it’s also controlling some contact relays for my ceiling fan “remote” but figured it could do double duty as a BT proxy too.

Thanks for any tips!