Support for SwitchBot Curtain 3

I just picked up some new Switchbot Curtain 3 devices. I’m happy to say they are much better than my original Curtain 1 devices when it comes to closing a heavy grommet/rod curtain. Unfortunately, they are not picked up by the SwitchBot integration. Hope they can be added :slight_smile:

I can’t get mine to calibrate to close perfectly just like version 1, but it’s a big improvement. I’m also in the same boat and I ordered 6 of them and use version 1 every day via various automations.

I also got a few on Monday. They are great and much more powerful.
However I don’t like the new solar module. Might get creative with the old one.
Hope for the integration

I just upgraded to these, and would love to see them supported. I have multiple automations that worked with version 2 :slight_smile:

+1 here. I remember there was a way to add curtains via Mac address before switchbot was officially supported. No luck so far but maybe could spark a workaround?

If you have the SwitchBot Hub2 (ordered with the blinds), you can add these via matter!

Hmm, I actually do have a Hub2 … it’s connected in the Switchbot under Cloud services but nothing’s showing in HA? Any tips for how you managed to get it working?

You need to go into the hub settings and then setup matter. Your Home Assistant instance needs to support matter via sky connect…

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+1 for adding Curtainbot 3

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+1 for adding Switchbot Curtain 3 to HA with the ability ton open and close in quiet mode which is one of the big improvment compare to switch bit Curtain 2.

Thank you :slight_smile:

FWIW, the Curtain 1 & 2 devices identify themselves on Bluetooth as “WoCurtain” whereas the v3 identifies as “WoCtn3”. Hopefully this is a simple patch to the existing integration. Switching to Matter via a Hub2 is a hassle. I’ll go this route if needed but would prefer to stick to Bluetooth.

I decided to get these curtain engines too, so I can finally realize my dreams of having a complete movie scene.

Would love to see these added.

Hey guys, for those of you who integrated through Hub 2, does the “stop” functionality works? For me, it either opens or closes, or sets to a position, but the stop cover service / device action just makes it toggle.

I just got mine too, and it got discovered in HA as “Contact Sensor 45A8”

I hope Curtain 3 soon to be added in the integration.

I managed to get it running with just a few changes to the code.

I plan to send a PR in a few days (after I investigate some things and maybe add the quiet mode).

If you want to try it out sooner, you can add git+ via ‘Custom deps deployment’ addon and then rename /config/deps/lib/python3.10 to /config/deps/lib/python3.11 (because the addon hasn’t been updated for python 3.11 yet).
Update: Custom deps deployment 1.3.4 with the correct python version is now out.


Legend! Thank you for taking the time to implement this, it is much appreciated.

Great that you found this, unfortunatly I tried to work out your instructions to install it, but got stranded already at installing “Custom deps deployment”. I managed to install the required repository ( home-assistant/addons-development: Add-on Repository for Development ( ) and then add the addon itself. But when I try to start it, it complains about pypi needing a value. I found out that you should enter networkx there. But that does not seem to work. The addon “Custom deps deployment” has zero documentation so not really sure what to do.

Also not sure if " rename /config/deps/lib/python3.10 to /config/deps/lib/python3.11" refers to the “custom deps deployment” or the swtichbot addon. But I cant seem to find that folder

Before you start it, you need to add git+ to the ‘pypi` field in its configuration.

Then you start it, it’ll install the updated package, and stops again. For me the log looks like this:

After that you’ll need to rename the python3.10 folder, restart HA, and it should work.

(The rename step is there because the addon is built for previous python version so HA won’t find the updated package otherwise. I created a PR for that too: Bump Python version to 3.11 for custom deps by the-ress · Pull Request #135 · home-assistant/addons-development · GitHub)
Update: Custom deps deployment 1.3.4 with the correct python version is now out.


Thank you! You rock :slight_smile:
With these instructions it was straight forward, my curtain 3 is discovered!



Update: Custom deps deployment 1.3.4 with the correct python version is now out.

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