Support for TP-Link Deco M9 Router Integration

Is there any way to integrate tp links deco m9 router into hassio?
I have looked over Internet but couldn’t find any relevant info.
If not how do one request /build this?
Thanks in advance

It’s not discovered using the UPNP integration? My M5 was.

You may need to enable UPNP on the router side.


Thanks for your reply,
The Deco M9 Plus doesn’t seem to have

I also have the Deco M9 router a new firmware update has been released that now allows for you to switch UPNP off and on again. Homeassitant discovered my router straight away after adding upnp: to my config file.

What is the firmware version which is released?

I see 1.2.10Build 20190809 Rel 54285

I’m currently running;

Home Assistant Core 0.110.2
version 0.109.6

hope this helps

Thanks, but can you confirm the firmware version of deco m9?
I tried the upnp config and it worked for sometime and now it’s not picking any of my decos.

Sorry current firmware version is 1.4.0 Build 20200324 Rel. 51287

Hi, the new beta release?

Surprisingly I am still at 1.2.10Build 20190809 Rel 54285, and i dont see any updates when I manually try to update the decos. how did you get the firmware?

The UPnP integration discovers the Deco M9, but it should be really nice to use the whole Zigbee mesh inside the M9 nodes. I don’t think there is a way to put them inside a Zigbee network already right? I’m using a cheap Zigbee Dongle right now and that works fine with my test Aqara Temperature sensor.

It should be really nice that I can hook up my Deco M9 Zigbee mesh inside it as well. Any ideas?

Dreaming with Deco M9 Zigbee inside Home Assistant.


Is there a way to integrate the ZigBee devices connected to the m9 to homeassistant ?


Any update on this integration?

Any progress with zigbee bridge integration from m9 into ha?

I’m just looking to get device connection status out of the M9 router when my in laws come over to see if their phones are connected to the wifi - this way the lights don’t turn off on them when me and my wife leave the house while they’re watching the kids. I do not want to install the Home Asssistant app on their phones. The only two options I can come up with:

1- Use the TPlink “automations” part of the Deco app to turn a TPLink outlet on when one of their devices connects to the wifi. I can buy a TPLink/Kasa outlet for $10, so not much investment. I wouldn’t plan to even plug anything into it but the status of the outlet would be visible in Home Assistant and I can run automations from it based on the outlet being on or off

2- Use the TPLINK router applet in IFTTT which I’m paying the $2 a month for anyway to create an automation that sends a webhook based on their device connecting/disconnecting

Neither way seems ideal - any other ideas? They both have Iphones so from what I see status based on ping isn’t an option. I really like the M9 router’s range and performance, but I’m hugely turned off by its lack of configuration options, and the fact even its limited configuration are based on a cloud connected mobile app. The Mobile App sucks too and isn’t even intuitive with where the config options are. Connecting to the routers local homepage through a browser is even more of a joke with its limited settings. I keep seeing new firmware is coming, but not holding my breath.

You can use GitHub - mudape/iphonedetect: A custom component for Home Assistant to detect iPhones connected to local LAN, even if the phone is in deep sleep. to track your in laws in your WiFi. The name is a bit misleading, it works great for my Android phones as well.

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I was having a look for TP-Link Deco integrations today ( for my S4 ), It look like a month ago one was started.
You need HACS, but give it a go and contribute
amosyuen/ha-tplink-deco: Home Assistant TP-Link Deco Custom Component (

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