Support friendly_name within the modbus integration


I was missing the support of friendly_name in the great modbus integration.
I don’t know if this is a big thing, but for me it seems logical to use it as I can use it in many other integration and makes live easier.

  - name: nilan_temperature_room # T15 - Input.T15_Room - User panel room temperature
    friendly_name: Nilan Panel Raumtemperatur
    unit_of_measurement: '°C'
    slave: 30
    address: 215
    scale: 0.01
    count: 1
    precision: 2
    data_type: int
    device_class: temperature
    register_type: input

May I ask you directly if you can be so kind and support that?
I don’t think that it will get much votes here because it is only “cosmetic” / UI stuff…

Thx anyway for your great integration!
I can control my Nilan VP Compact with it and do great stuff with if!


All entities can be given a friendly name with Customize.

Do Modbus entities not have a unique Id? Friendly name could then be changed from the UI.

Invalid config for [modbus]: [unique_id] is an invalid option for [modbus]. Check: modbus->modbus->0->sensors->20->unique_id. (See /config/configuration.yaml, line 15).

So no, sadly not.


Sadly not for all device classes that the modbus integration supports, e.g. climate.
But you are right, for the example it would be a solution.

support of unique_id would be the best way, because then you can change the name via GUI.


unique_id may not be configured in yaml, it has to be provided by the integration.
Looking at the integrations code it seems it doesn’t. Would be a good feature request as it would also enable area support.

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