Support of arrays of devices + helpers


I’ve 12 (soon 16) sensor boxes based on Tasmota in my house. The automations should be the same on all of them. Sadly, Home Assistant can’t do “mass actions” on them. I would like to have arrays to arrange them in a more efficient way:

  1. Create an array of sensors
  2. Create an array of helpers (e.g. variables)
  3. Based on it, an array of e.g. derivations/integrations Input: array of devices (and/or array of variables), and the name of the entity (which is the same on all of them) - output: array of e.g. derivations/integrations. Variations: single output of e.g. min/max.
  4. The same on automation: Instead of selecting a single device, I can select an array of sensors and the name of the entity. Bonus: a variable of the sensor which triggered the automation to e.g. write its name on a message written by an action.
  5. The same on diagrams

That would ease the management a lot.

Hello mifritscher,

What you are looking for is probably Blueprints. You write your code once, then call the code and all the entities and variables are added in the calling automations/scripts.

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