Support select.select_next and select.select_previous

select integration currently supports select_option service call only, while input_select supports input_select.select_next and input_select.select_previous which allow to cycle through select options.

select is not much different from input_select, and pairty of features would be great.

Yes, I totally agree. I’d like to use this very feature with the WLED integration to select the next preset and was surprised to find out they are treated separately.

I have no clue if it is a complex thing or not but it would be great to have the srvices select_next and select_previous for the newly introduced select entities. Same as what exists for input_select entities.
An example of usage for example would be to change WLED palets or presets with a remote control.


I solved this for me using simple scripts yesterday. Maybe it helps you too.

Script for selecting the next element or (if unknown) the first. This also “cycles”.

  alias: next_select_element
  - service: select.select_option
      entity_id: '{{entity}}'
      option: '{% if states(entity) == ''unknown'' %}{{state_attr(entity, "options")[0]}}{%
        endif %}{% for option in state_attr(entity, "options") -%}{% if states(entity)
        == option %}{{loop.nextitem | default(state_attr(entity, "options")[0])}}{%
        endif -%}{%- endfor %}'
  mode: single
  icon: mdi:form-dropdown

Script for selecting the previous element or (if unknown) the last. This also “cycles”.

  alias: prev_select_element
  - service: select.select_option
      entity_id: '{{entity}}'
      option: '{% if states(entity) == ''unknown'' %}{{state_attr(entity, "options")[-1]}}{%
        endif %}{% for option in state_attr(entity, "options") -%}{% if states(entity)
        == option %}{{loop.previtem | default(state_attr(entity, "options")[-1])}}{%
        endif -%}{%- endfor %}'
  mode: single
  icon: mdi:form-dropdown

call the script, e.g. from an automation

service: script.prev_select_element
    entity: select.led_og_jonas_preset




All-in-one script to either select the next or previous option.

  - service: select.select_option
      entity_id: '{{ entity }}'
      option: >
        {% set (next, x, s) = ('n' in direction, state_attr(entity, 'options'), states(entity)) %}
        {% set l = x | count - 1 %}
        {% set i = x.index(s) + 1 * (iif(next, 1, -1)) if s != 'unknown' else 0 %}
        {{ x[i if i <= l else l] if next else x[i if i >= 0 else l] }}

Call script.select_option with direction set to next or previous. Actually, the script only cares if the direction value contains the letter n to handle it as next and anything else is handled as previous.

service: script.select_option
    entity: select.whatever
    direction: next


If you want to make the script more robust, you can include an action condition, prior to the service call, that confirms the supplied entity is a select entity and it’s not unavailable.

    - condition: "{{ expand(entity) | selectattr('domain', 'eq', 'select') | list != [] and states(entity) != 'unavailable' }}"
    - service: select.select_option
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came here looking to cycle thru WLED presets. This is exactly what i needed. Thanks a ton.

Actually nevermind about the previous pull request. Seems someone tried this before and core devs rejected the change indefinitely, seems they don’t want it.

Just a guess but I think the rationale is that select is meant to be used by integrations and input_select by users. An integration doesn’t need many services to make a selection.

I created a PR long time ago fixing this, but Frenk rejected it.

I really don’t get the reasoning why. Select is an array, it has ordering, there is no reason not to have next/previous functionality. Frenk’s argument that some integrations might not expect an order in the selections, like heat/cool/auto for example do not have order. But that’s not an array, it’s a set, so implement it as such - set not iterable/array iterable.

Would have been nice to mention that here :stuck_out_tongue: Oh well, a learning experience for me, and a reminder to search harder first next time.

It was worth a try. Never know if and when they have a change of heart on the matter.

FWIW, it would be nice to have the extra services for select because MQTT Select allows you to define and, most importantly, programmatically re-define the members of the set and have the re-defined set survive a restart (stored on the MQTT broker as a retained message).

In contrast, although you can programmatically re-define an input_select’s members, the new set doesn’t survive a restart (it’s initialized with its original members). However, an input_select is more flexible in scripts and automations due to its additional services whereas select is limited to just one service.

Yeah, agree on the survivability. The fact that input_select doesn’t survive a restart really limits its functionality.

Yay it’s coming:

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Just ran into this issue and then I find it’ll be included in the next release. @frenck is reading my mind :smiley:

Did it ever get included? How do we use it?


Through a Service call action. Both select.select_previous and select.select_next are available for use with select entities.

Select integration documentation and examples