Supporting Hitron CGNV4 as a device tracker, like the hitron_coda? (code for review inside)

RE: core/ at 445b823232866a7719a75dff12a06598a00aca98 · home-assistant/core · GitHub

I have a Hitron CGNV4 from the ISP “Virgin Media Business” in the UK.

Could Hitron CGNV4 be supported as a device tracker, like the hitron_coda ?

I tried hitron_coda as the platform as they are very similar, but instead of “user”, the CGNV4 uses the parameter “usr”. Everything else seems to follow the default shaw/rogers method.

Here’s a section of page source from the login of the Hitron CGNV4 ( :


"usr":  $('#login_username').val(),
"pwd":  $('#login_password').val(),
"forcelogoff":  0,
"preSession": presession

The “preSession” parameter seems to be set in a cookie when you visit the login page. I’m unsure if its required to login.

Once logged in, the routers response to /data/getConnectInfo.asp also seems compatible.
Here’s the json that page returns:

[{"id":2,"hostName":"Unknown","ipAddr":"", "ipType":"IPv4", "macAddr":"REMOVED","connectType":"Self-assigned", "interface":"Ethernet","online":"active","comnum":1},{"id":5,"hostName":"unknown","ipAddr":"", "ipType":"IPv4", "macAddr":"REMOVED","connectType":"DHCP-IP", "interface":"Wireless","online":"active","comnum":1},{"id":6,"hostName":"Galaxy-S10","ipAddr":"", "ipType":"IPv4", "macAddr":"REMOVED","connectType":"DHCP-IP", "interface":"Wireless","online":"active","comnum":1},{"id":8,"hostName":"Unknown","ipAddr":"", "ipType":"IPv4", "macAddr":"REMOVED","connectType":"Self-assigned", "interface":"Ethernet","online":"active","comnum":1},{"id":9,"hostName":"Google-Nest-Mini","ipAddr":"", "ipType":"IPv4", "macAddr":"REMOVED","connectType":"DHCP-Reserved", "interface":"Wireless","online":"active","comnum":1},{"id":10,"hostName":"Envy","ipAddr":"", "ipType":"IPv4", "macAddr":"REMOVED","connectType":"DHCP-IP", "interface":"Wireless","online":"active","comnum":1},{"id":11,"hostName":"Unknown","ipAddr":"", "ipType":"IPv4", "macAddr":"REMOVED","connectType":"Self-assigned", "interface":"Ethernet","online":"active","comnum":1}]

(I’ve replaced my mac addresses with REMOVED)

I’m not a Python coder, but I’d assume the needed changes would only be a couple of lines and result in the following:

"""Support for the Hitron CODA-4582U, provided by Rogers."""
from __future__ import annotations

from collections import namedtuple
from http import HTTPStatus
import logging

import requests
import voluptuous as vol

from homeassistant.components.device_tracker import (
from homeassistant.const import CONF_HOST, CONF_PASSWORD, CONF_TYPE, CONF_USERNAME
from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant
import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv
from homeassistant.helpers.typing import ConfigType

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

DEFAULT_TYPE = "rogers"

        vol.Required(CONF_HOST): cv.string,
        vol.Required(CONF_USERNAME): cv.string,
        vol.Required(CONF_PASSWORD): cv.string,
        vol.Optional(CONF_TYPE, default=DEFAULT_TYPE): cv.string,

def get_scanner(
    _hass: HomeAssistant, config: ConfigType
) -> HitronCODADeviceScanner | None:
    """Validate the configuration and return a Hitron CODA-4582U scanner."""
    scanner = HitronCODADeviceScanner(config[DOMAIN])

    return scanner if scanner.success_init else None

Device = namedtuple("Device", ["mac", "name"])

class HitronCODADeviceScanner(DeviceScanner):
    """Scanner for devices using the CODA's web interface."""

    def __init__(self, config):
        """Initialize the scanner."""
        self.last_results = []
        host = config[CONF_HOST]
        self._url = f"http://{host}/data/getConnectInfo.asp"
        self._loginurl = f"http://{host}/goform/login"

        self._username = config.get(CONF_USERNAME)
        self._password = config.get(CONF_PASSWORD)
        if config.get(CONF_TYPE) == "shaw":
            self._usrtype = "user"
            self._type = "pwd"
        elif config.get(CONF_TYPE) == "virgin":
            self._usrtype = "usr"
            self._type = "pwd"
            self._usrtype = "user"
            self._type = "pws"
        self._userid = None

        self.success_init = self._update_info()"Scanner initialized")

    def scan_devices(self):
        """Scan for new devices and return a list with found device IDs."""

        return [device.mac for device in self.last_results]

    def get_device_name(self, device):
        """Return the name of the device with the given MAC address."""
        return next(
            ( for result in self.last_results if result.mac == device), None

    def _login(self):
        """Log in to the router. This is required for subsequent api calls.""""Logging in to CODA")

            data = [(self._usrtype, self._username), (self._type, self._password)]
            res =, data=data, timeout=10)
        except requests.exceptions.Timeout:
            _LOGGER.error("Connection to the router timed out at URL %s", self._url)
            return False
        if res.status_code != HTTPStatus.OK:
            _LOGGER.error("Connection failed with http code %s", res.status_code)
            return False
            self._userid = res.cookies["userid"]
            return True
        except KeyError:
            _LOGGER.error("Failed to log in to router")
            return False

    def _update_info(self):
        """Get ARP from router.""""Fetching")

        if self._userid is None and not self._login():
            _LOGGER.error("Could not obtain a user ID from the router")
            return False
        last_results = []

        # doing a request
            res = requests.get(self._url, timeout=10, cookies={"userid": self._userid})
        except requests.exceptions.Timeout:
            _LOGGER.error("Connection to the router timed out at URL %s", self._url)
            return False
        if res.status_code != HTTPStatus.OK:
            _LOGGER.error("Connection failed with http code %s", res.status_code)
            return False
            result = res.json()
        except ValueError:
            # If json decoder could not parse the response
            _LOGGER.error("Failed to parse response from router")
            return False

        # parsing response
        for info in result:
            mac = info["macAddr"]
            name = info["hostName"]
            # No address = no item :)
            if mac is None:

            last_results.append(Device(mac.upper(), name))

        self.last_results = last_results"Request successful")
        return True

In that code, I changed the shaw/rogers check from:

        if config.get(CONF_TYPE) == "shaw":
            self._type = "pwd"
            self._type = "pws"


        if config.get(CONF_TYPE) == "shaw":
            self._usrtype = "user"
            self._type = "pwd"
        elif config.get(CONF_TYPE) == "virgin":
            self._usrtype = "usr"
            self._type = "pwd"
            self._usrtype = "user"
            self._type = "pws"

I then changed the login data from:

data = [("user", self._username), (self._type, self._password)]


data = [(self._usrtype, self._username), (self._type, self._password)]

I think that the code I edited / showed is correct… although I lack the Python skills to make sure it wont crash…
…and the skills / account to upload the changes to the git repo.

What do people more knowledgeable than me about this think?