I’m getting an Invalid Config notification for surepetcare when I restart HA, and all surepetcare related sensors and binary sensors show as unavailable.
The error logged is:
Logger: homeassistant.components.surepetcare
Source: components/surepetcare/__init__.py:89
Integration: surepetcare ([documentation](https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/surepetcare), [issues](https://github.com/home-assistant/home-assistant/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3A%22integration%3A+surepetcare%22))
First occurred: 2:17:17 PM (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 2:17:17 PM
Unable to connect to surepetcare.io: Wrong !
which isn’t the most descriptive error. There’s nothing returned/logged as the error, unlike the Wrong credentials error.
My config is valid (substituted IDs):
username: 'user@domain'
password: !secret surepetcare_password
flaps: [123]
pets: [123, 123, 123]
If I remove most of my integrations from configuration.yaml and only have a few essentials ones like default_config, recorder and logger, then the surepetcare sensors load correctly.
I slowly added back items to configuration.yaml, removed them again and tried a few different combinations, and it’s not one particular thing that consistently stops surepetcare from working.
My system is a Raspberry Pi 3 B+, Home Assistant 0.117.5, HassOS 4.15. My full configuration.yaml is 850+ lines.
Since it works with a minimal config, it seems to me to be some sort of timing issue (network timeout?). Maybe the Pi 3 is being pushed too far?
I don’t know how to dig any deeper, any tips or suggestions welcomed.