I own a Sure Petcare pet door which is connected to my Home Assistant. It also provides to devices for both pets, with a binary sensor for being inside or out. But since somewhere this week they are ‘away’ and I cannot get them to be inside. When I check the Sure Petcare app, they change to in or out.
I am not sure how I configured all this… The two pets also have a ‘person’ with a device tracker. But I am not sure where that device tracker is configured.
I also have scrips to correct the location of each pet (if they don’t use the pet door).
action: surepetcare.set_pet_location
metadata: {}
pet_name: Pet1
location: Inside
And there are automations for each pet:
alias: "Presence: Pet1"
description: ""
mode: queued
- entity_id:
- binary_sensor.Pet1
trigger: state
conditions: []
- data:
dev_id: Pet1
location_name: |
{% if trigger.to_state.state == 'on' %}
{% elif trigger.to_state.state == 'off' %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
action: device_tracker.see
But these scrips don’t work and do no change the location of the pets anymore. The automations have run last time 2 days ago and yesterday…
I cannot find any other configuration in the system and frankly, I do not know how it all is configured in the first place. Someone here helped me with it, and that worked (yay, thanks) but now I need to fix it!
Anybody has an idea?