Sure Petcare Petflap seems broken

I own a Sure Petcare pet door which is connected to my Home Assistant. It also provides to devices for both pets, with a binary sensor for being inside or out. But since somewhere this week they are ‘away’ and I cannot get them to be inside. When I check the Sure Petcare app, they change to in or out.

I am not sure how I configured all this… The two pets also have a ‘person’ with a device tracker. But I am not sure where that device tracker is configured.

I also have scrips to correct the location of each pet (if they don’t use the pet door).

action: surepetcare.set_pet_location
metadata: {}
  pet_name: Pet1
  location: Inside

And there are automations for each pet:

alias: "Presence: Pet1"
description: ""
mode: queued
  - entity_id:
      - binary_sensor.Pet1
    trigger: state
conditions: []
  - data:
      dev_id: Pet1
      location_name: |
        {% if trigger.to_state.state == 'on' %}
        {% elif trigger.to_state.state == 'off' %}
        {% else %}
        {% endif %}
    action: device_tracker.see

But these scrips don’t work and do no change the location of the pets anymore. The automations have run last time 2 days ago and yesterday…

I cannot find any other configuration in the system and frankly, I do not know how it all is configured in the first place. Someone here helped me with it, and that worked (yay, thanks) but now I need to fix it! :wink:
Anybody has an idea?

Hello there

Sorry, i don’t have any solution, but i have exactly the same Problem. Since a couple days all Cats are “away”. It worked nearly flawless for almost 2 Years. In the App the Status of the Cats are correct. I haven’t actively changed anything, maybe the API on the Petcare side is faulty?

It’s somewhat good to hear that I’m not the only one. Could it be an update? There was an OS and Core update. Not sure if it went broke before or after that…

Yes same problem here. Cat is away for 2 days now.
There’s already a github issue Surepetcare integration not updating Home/Away state · Issue #132338 · home-assistant/core · GitHub
Related to their API :frowning:

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Hi guys

Same issue here: I am recording the states in an influxdb. On December, 5th the changed to value 0 and -1 resp. With no change when cats enter or leave the house.

Unfortunately no new parameter popped up to record whether the cats are in or out…

if anyone has an idea how the locations can be recorded - hints are welcome.

I get notifications again, but when 1 of the pets goes in- or outside I get the messages for both pets at the same time. But when I look into the Persure app, there isn’t anything happening. Nobody is going in or out.