Sureflap Connect - Pet Door

Yes, it looks like it will run using Hassio

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Thats great, how do I go about installing this as Ive only been using hassio for about a month now so still learning.

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Same here, great project. I’d love to see a step by step write up.

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I have copied over the folders to the relevant places and after restating I’ve got a Sure Cat Flap Status panel come up with:
Hub online Status - Disconnected
Flap online Status - Disconnected
Sure Flap - Locked

I now believe I need to run the ‘pip install . -t /config/deps/’ but not sure how to do this in hassio, any pointers please as I don’t want to crash things again and have to do a new hassio install on my RPi.

When I look in the ‘config/deps/’ folder, I only have ‘lib’ in there.

I would be grateful of some help on this. I don’t know where to start to populate the /deps/ folders with the necessary folders or files

Now that my cat flap has arrived and I’ve used it I have to say that I’m quite impressed with it.

I now think that the only thing I need HA to do with it is to have Google Assistant announce which cat has gone in/out over my Google home minis.

Is there a simpler way?

I can’t get this to work. Whatever I do I get:
Platform not found: sensor.sure_petflap

And in Putty I get the following error with step 9:
-bash: -bash:: command not found

Can someone explain me how I get to run this exactly? Where do I have to copy the files exactly? And why can’t I install the python package?

Thanks in advance!

Is it possible to make an hassio addon of this?


I build a pip package for this which makes installation much easier:

This is NOT maintained or anything else by the author of the code, rcastberg. If he will provide a pip package sometimes, i will remove this one.


I’m getting this error:
WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.config] Package sure_petcare contains invalid customize

Is there any checklist how to get this working? I have followed [xatr0z]'s checklist.

Update: did “pip install requests” and got the module error out of the way. Can connect to It just returns an error about no credentials provided.

What Widda said. I got everything installed. Things just go wrong when I try to access, either with our without the ls_pets added. This is the outcome of the “./sure_petcare/” command:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “./sure_petcare/”, line 7, in
import sure_petcare
File “/config/sure_petcare/sure_petcare/”, line 9, in
import requests
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘requests’

I Should note that the git pull command put everything in /config/sure_petflap instead of /config/custom_components/sure_petflap. (I run hassio on a RPI3B). Will that make a difference?

I used pip install -t /deps, while I was in the config folder. Worked like a charm.

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I almost got it al working. The last snag refused to go away and eventually seemed to crash my system: the sensor was not found by Home Assistant. I was able to get the pet’s names and all. But the error kept turning up on reboot.

I then gave the sensor file all kinds of permissions, restarted my Pi and… half an hour later I was reinstalling en restoring a snapshot.

Any suggestions?

Has anyone managed to get a definitive set of instructions for this ?

Could anyone please make a step by step install guide for hassio?

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I think I could, as long as someone helps me iron out the last bug: the sensor not found-error. If I know how to get the sensor to be found, I’ll spend another few hours getting it to work and documenting the process.

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Great. I’m stucked with not getting it installed. Can not get python3 or pip working in hassio. So the two methods that it seems are refered to in this thread leads me nowhere.

Have you installed the configurator under in your home screen? It has a command line. From there I could install both without problems.

So you’re creating the sensor in the yaml as described at the link below?

I have a feeling I may have gone off the rails with this part:
" To install i cloned this repository and went into home assistant : from the source folder : pip install . -t /config/deps/"

I installed on (.87).

First of all: i cloned from the /config/ dir, since I could not find a homedir for HA. The git command worked like a charm, but it did not install in custom_components, but directly in the config folder. And what does he mean by “source folder”? All next steps - such as installing the python stuff - were done from /config/.