Sureflap Connect - Pet Door

I added the template, but how do I make it look like that?

Hey @flyize I noticed also my hub flashing red ears a whole lot now also with the beta version, but at least now I have data!!

This integrations polls the surepet API it’s not going to cause your hub to lose connection.

Found a minor bug !
The amount in food goes negative and doesn’t seem to be reset at refill.


In the official app (Suzette part)

I mean, its certainly possible that they could temporarily block your IP for hitting the endpoint too much.

I think my red ears were due to the currently broken native integration.

I assume you are still talking about your dev GitHub code ?
Or is this in hacs now ?

Just add the repo to HACS

Got it thanks.
Found it all in the attributes of the pets.

Will go through the details later.

you can also enable the debug loglevel for surepy in your configuration yaml to see every request made :+1:

I’ve just taken the latest update, and now nothing is working? Anyone else having issues? Am I missing something?
Many Thanks

try to remove the surepetcarebeta entry from your configuration and set it up via the ui :slight_smile:

btw., that’s why it’s called beta :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Thanks for the response … yes, I understand that, and am more than happy to try things out … just wondered if anyone else was seeing issues! :smile:

Anyway, it appears my whole installation is having a paddy … I’ll re-install and come back to you if I still have issues with this!

I removed the Beta and configured for no surepetcare mode…
it appears the Surepetcare hub has died on me. It doesn’t want to communicate with any of my devices anymore at all now… :frowning:
That’s the 2nd hub to die on me in 2 months. The first one that died on me… would intermittently communicate with the devices… this one this time completely died on the radio interface with the devices.

if its both ears blinking red… that’s the hub trying to re-establish communicate with the device(s).
Mine is a 2nd dead hub, nothing online… no amount of power off and on nor attempt to remove and re-add work and of course… when I tried to call support, it was 30 min after closing and they don’t work on the weekend…

If both ears are blinking red then the hub is failing to connect to the HTTPS endpoint of which is where it downloads the credentials file from then if they are blinking green then it’s failing to connect to the AWS MQTT endpoint which is their main endpoint.
I do know that Surepet are sending out new firmware to all the hubs, as a person emailed me a file of serial numbers and firmwares and it seems that they are rolling out new firmware, which my hub hasn’t seen yet. If you power cycle the hub during the firmware update it might brick the hub.
Perhaps my docker stack might help debug what is going on if you wanted to run the local version.
pethublocal/docker at main · plambrechtsen/pethublocal · GitHub

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:warning: Flap lock states are now reported state with an _ again - sorry for changing! :warning:

Thanks for explanation peter! And additionally… during developing I fire much more request to the API that the integration ever would, probably I would be one of the first who get banned :sweat_smile: I also test with 3 households → almost 3x as much requests as probably most others here :slight_smile:

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The lock state is it going to stay with no _ I think it looks nicer with no _ for the sensor.

@benleb Can you explain how you got the times in there?

@flyize that’s the secondary_info option from home assistant, available in many cards :+1:

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looks nicer but the convention says we will use the normalized/casefold variant in lower and with _ instead of spaces…

but to compensate the loss of beauty, I added some icon links :lipstick::woman_artist:
please note: the icons you will see are all from Sure Petcare and belong to them! they are not shipped with the library or integration but directly embedded from the sure petcare servers (similar the sure app does for example). I hope this is okay for Sure Petcare as I don’t ship anything owned by them and there should be not really much additional traffic to handle…