Surepetcare Sureflap connect

Yes. It’s working perfectly

Thank you. I’ve managed to get it working now but struggling with the locking service as I can’t find my flap ID. Do you use the locking functions via HA?

Yes. I use service call:

service: sureha.set_lock_state

Here’s my card code:

type: entities
  - type: custom:paper-buttons-row
      - entity: sensor.pet_flap_locked_status
        icon: mdi:lock-open-variant
        name: Unlocked
          action: call-service
          service: sureha.set_lock_state
            flap_id: (your flap ID) 
            lock_state: unlocked
      - entity: binary_sensor.pet_vaska
        name: Keep Vaska In
        icon: mdi:lock
          action: call-service
          service: sureha.set_lock_state
            flap_id: (your flap ID) 
            lock_state: locked_in
state_color: true

There is, a way to get the flap ID by logging in to Sureflap with a browser and changing to dev mode. It was in the documentation of the first release. I’ll see if I can find the instructions for you

Ahh thank you. How did you obtain your flap ID? On the documentation for the integration it says to look T the instructions below but they aren’t there

Login to Award Winning Microchip Cat Flaps & Feeders from SureFlap and change browser to dev mode. Should see the flap ID in the code

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Get it sorted?

Will be attempting it today. Thank you for your help.

Hi all,

I needed to update my NAS and now after a restart I am getting this:

Logger: surepy.client
Source: /usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/surepy/
First occurred: 8:24:52 (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 8:24:52

Can not load data from

Any ideas where I can start to look to fix it?

Just deleted integration and logged in again. All working

Hey @nckslater I have been looking through the code you posted and have tried to doctor it to match my own environment. What I am struggling with is finding the entity sensor.pet_flap_locked_status.
I dont seem to have this as part of the sensors. I can onyl assume this is due to a different model?

Any help you can offer?

Thanks Anthony

Look in your integrations

It’s the second one down in mine

Thank you @nckslater got it now.

Potentially dumb question but since there are multiple options of the cat door: are you using the connect version? If so, do I need the hub?

I‘m trying to evaluate my options.

Thank you!

EDIT: it just worked by trying multiple times - no idea why

How do I connect this integration?

It asks me for my email and password but all it says invalid authentication. And I am using the correct password, etc.

Is there anything else that needs to be done?

I think that you need to enter your SureFlap credentials that you used to register your Sureflap.

The logbook / history of my pet’s binary sensor doesn’t show correct entries. I don’t mean the little difference of 3 mins. compared to Sureflaps iPhone app. Many events aren’t logged at all, others have a completely incorrect time as if another cats movements were recorded. But there is only one cat and one flap.

Hi guys,

I’m looking at purchasing one of the Sure Petcare cat flaps, but need a bit of advice on its compatibility with HA.

I see there is an official integration now, but I’m not sure which device I should purchase. There are basically two options of the SureFlap Connet. One with a hub and one without a hub. Do I need the hub to integrate with HA? Or can I get away without the hub and spend nearly $100 less?

Thanks in advance.

I had the same question without answer und just purchased the flap (I bought the pet version since I wanted to allow for space when the cats go through) and the hub. There’s - to my knowledge - no other way to connect unless you have the hub. I base this on the surepetcare app, in which you first connect the hub before being able to connect a door.

Functions I use in HA:

  • Show Connection and battery status
  • lock and open door via automation depending on time of the day
  • manually change the location of my pets in case they enter or leave through another door (especially in summer) and show the status on my Lovelace.

Surely there are more functions, but it suits my needs.

While the whole thing isn’t perfect, it works very well for me since the support told me how to set the flap up for a metal door - before it didn’t recognize the cats.

Hope this helped you.

Hi, found your image example of card, with e.g. status of your cat Inside, can you share the code for this card?