Surepetcare Sureflap connect

@nckslater can I ask what happens when the cat jumps out the window and comes back in through the sureflap (or vice versa)?

Does it correctly set the pet to indoor/outdoor once they go through the door again, or does it “inverse” the indoor/outdoor state if the cat uses another entrance/exit once?

I’m not nck, but I can tell you that it doesn’t reverse. The flap knows the direction and will set it accordingly. If the cat went out another door like the balcony and is still shown as inside, this will not change when the cat actually enters as entering = state cat is inside.

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Hi there

radischem is right. It just shows the cat inside when it goes out trough a window, thats it.

Did someone successfully did a Device Tracker out of the State of the Cat?
I want to do a Lovelace Card, where you can see who is “at home” and who isnt.
I already did that for mobilephones and my car, which worked kinda out of the box.
But how can i do that with my cat? How do i transfer the status at home or not, into the “official” at home in Home Assistant?

I switched to sureha in HACS. It creates a device tracker entity for the animal.

Thanks! Linder did not know about the hacs integration

What are the benefits of sureha over using the binary sensor for each cat that is part of the surepetcare integration?

It has more sensors. Since it has a entity tracker, I can have our cat as a “person” alongside the rest of the family - in the home/away cards. Also, I can calibrate the battery sensor, so it corresponds to the actual battery status.

Check the Github and decide for yourself.

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Thanks for your help. I wasn’t aware of this integration either and instantly find the battery value to be more realistic and will try if the communication is a little faster.